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Search results

  1. Thorne

    Planned Teams for Platinum?

    Absol? Gallade/Gardevoir? Toxicroak? Lucario? Eeveelution? To say a few. Also, I changed some of my team again. Infernape Electivire Floatzel Glaceon Gallade Tangrowth And I'm really going to use this team, seriously. Also move suggestions anyone?
  2. Thorne

    Planned Teams for Platinum?

    Alright, one more time I'll redo the team, but this one is going to be the final one. Hopefully Empoleon hydro Pump Surf Flash Cannon Waterfall Luxray Thunder Fang Crunch Spark Scary Face Gallade Psycho Cut Night Slash Sword Dance Brick Break Glaceon Ice Beam Shadow Ball Mirror Coat Blizzard...
  3. Thorne

    Planned Teams for Platinum?

    I've redesigned my team like a million times, but I finally decided what will hopefully be my final main team. Empoleon(M) Nicknamed Napoleon. Gengar(M) Nicknamed Russ. Gallade(M) Nicknamed Bedivere. Glaceon(F) Nicknamed Delia Porygon-Z(X) Nicknamed Linus Tangrowth(M) Nicknamed Wilhelm. Russ...
  4. Thorne

    Planned Teams for Platinum?

    I have no plans for a "perfect" team, I just want a team with pokémon I like, really. Infernape Gardevoir Absol Glaceon Drifblim Lopunny Also, gardevoir and Absol is in the Sdex in Platinum, so I don't have to wait for swarms/use poké radar to get them, yay.
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