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  1. Time Psyduck


    Ahem. I now draw your attention to my signature. Thankyou for all your messages pointing out my error, however as you can see they were not required. Honestly, I don't care what people choose to do, unless it has a direct impact on me or any religion I follow. Really I said the comment you...
  2. Time Psyduck


    I wouldn't seriously argue that point, although you could just put up with it for like a year or so and then go to the UN and claim your human rights have been violated. I don't advocate removing rights. Not granting a right that people didn't have before is a slightly different case, since all...
  3. Time Psyduck


    Just because God can do something doesn't mean he will. I prefer the 'does not interfere' principle for the Christian God. (For the record, I'm agnostic about him.) I don't actually think that homosexuals should be prevented from marrying. I may or may not think they should marry, as...
  4. Time Psyduck


    The God-worshipper's Handbook. Although it does not say anything on the existence of the feelings, it only opposes acting upon them. This does, however, makes it seem that (taking it as true for a moment as otherwise it's a non-issue) God probably didn't 'naturally' intend for people to be gay...
  5. Time Psyduck


    Boo! By reducing the number of posts supporting one side of an argument, the other side can respond to all the points made. I will respond, but first a little background is needed: When I stopped posting here before I did leave for a week without computer access. During this time I rekindled...
  6. Time Psyduck


    You don't have to read the book, which is what I havetried to say several times. I intended to stop posting at least twice, but both times people proceded to make posts which I considered it irresponsible of me to ignore. I'm not making anymore posts because as I said, my veiws on this subject...
  7. Time Psyduck


    What I mean (and yet again have failed to explain properly) is that the husband effectivly has the 'casting vote' in the marriage. This does not mean women have no say. I dont mind if you've read the book, I don't mind if you don't want to. I mind when you continually complain about the fact...
  8. Time Psyduck


    The book Explains what the bible says. It givesan interpretation which makes sense to me and since I cannot put it better than in the book. yet again, If you do not want to don't read the book. I suggested the book incase anyone wants to. Clearly you don't so why contine to make an issue of it...
  9. Time Psyduck


    But the dog still changed into someting else (the fact that another dog went another way isn't the point here) which is not the same as before. I was using exteame examples to make a point, but clearly everyone seems to think i don't understand evolution simply because I have mentioned the...
  10. Time Psyduck


    Some points: 1) I have offered the book because someone may be interesed in finding out my reasoning without having to read my poorly worded and explained posts. 2) When someone mentions the 'turning of females from natural use likewise men lie with men it does imply that the 'turning of...
  11. Time Psyduck


    Romans 1:26, 'for the females changed the natural use of themselves into one contrary to nature' This would, given what follows, count as a condemantion of lesbianism. When I say men who lie with men = homosexuality I am saying that both are discussing love between two men. It's the...
  12. Time Psyduck


    His best friend just died, and he's upset. He calls his love 'more wonderful..than the love of women.' The 'love of women' may be a reference to sexual love in general. He's also chanting this, and presumably there are other people there. Given that gay sex=death here, how stupid would he have...
  13. Time Psyduck


    Just a few points (get the book i mentioned for the others. If you don't care enough to obtain a free and delivered book do not complain at me): There are a few things in the law code that are modified. Jews have to undergo circumcision, something which was made unnessary for christians in...
  14. Time Psyduck


    Homosexuality is mentioned negativly in the new testament as well. The changes didn't happen overnight, slowly people moved away from perfection. (In genesis there are people who lived nearly a millenium). Also there weren't any other people anyway. The only other people who were around in...
  15. Time Psyduck


    He didn't create homosexuals, homosexuality is a result of imperfection, which was caused by the rebellion of Adam and Eve. The jewish law code defines homosexuality as a crime, therefore god opposes it. (and before everyone goes off about it being mythology I am responding to a quote from the...
  16. Time Psyduck


    The point is the bible says that a dog won't turn into a cat, not that a greater pygme geen whatever won't become a lesser green pygme whatever. I understand the theory of evolution, however it is not complete and there are a number of gaps in the fossil record. Speciation is not the same thing...
  17. Time Psyduck


    In genesis, it says that organisms reproduce acording to thier kinds. This is different to the scientific term species. Kind implies bat, dog/wolf, finch and can cover multiple species. Many of the comments I would make will be put a lot better in the book, so why would you want to here it...
  18. Time Psyduck


    First off all, when I get 10 or so posts I cannot respond to every point made. I do not deny that organisms change and adapt, but an AIDs virus is still an aids virus, a dog is still a wolf. The change between diferent 'kinds' of organisms has not been proven. Many of the OT rules are the law...
  19. Time Psyduck


    a humen is a typo Homosexual people are not evil because they are gay, they'e just doing something that the bible says is bad, and they should therefore stop. The bible is not a scientific textbook, and also it does not (as far as i have ever seen) say that. (mentioning both as 'flying things'...
  20. Time Psyduck


    This isn't the place. Again, refer to the book i mentioned, which will explain this and a whole lot more.
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