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Search results

  1. Togetic

    [OOC/Signup] Rise of Team Galactic

    Well, my most recent post said it hurt and etc, its just that if I made my dialogue with all these full stops everywhere it would look like I was dying. Paralysis isn't ment to hurt. Since Discharge has a 30% Paralysis rate (highest along side Thunder, not including Glare etc.) I figure it would...
  2. Togetic

    [OOC/Signup] Rise of Team Galactic

    Uhh not really. I could only move my eyeballs and make small movements with his hands (He still cant get up and stuff), and it was supposed to be hurting like hell. Plus, in the anime, the characters seem to have an insane resistance to pokemon attacks..so yeah. Gravity improves accuracy of...
  3. Togetic

    [OOC/Signup] Rise of Team Galactic

    Hay just a heads-up, Im changing Eagun's team so his Shiny Gengar is now just Rotom. I've edited my profile post to include that. kbye
  4. Togetic

    [OOC/Signup] Rise of Team Galactic

    Name: Eagun Murray Age: 15 Gender: Male Pokemon: Infernape(M), Gyarados(M), Jolteon(F), Rotom(X), Scizor(M), Salamence(F). (Yay for using my competitive battling team =D) Appearance: Eagun is an averagely tall but muscular boy with crazy white-gray hair and a white shirt. He wears a blue tie...
  5. Togetic

    [OOC/Signup] Rise of Team Galactic

    Reserving cause I can
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