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Search results

  1. Totodile

    NaNoWriMo 2011

    I have done it! Mission accomplished!! Although right now my brain hates me since to make the deadline I forced it to vomit out over 9000 words. And the story itself is nowhere near done, but I don't want to even look at it right now since that's all I've been doing for the whole month. Ah...
  2. Totodile

    NaNoWriMo 2011

    Well, yes, that's exactly what I was doing. I'll probably try and do that again for the next couple of days, in fact, since it seems to be working wonders for me. It's like the second the music starts, my nitpicky internal editor goes "OOOH SHINY" and leaves me alone for a few hours. So that's...
  3. Totodile

    NaNoWriMo 2011

    Man I keep slipping behind on this. D: Geez Totodile keep derping around on the internet instead of actually being productive why don't you. ... Although listening to music from Super Mario Galaxy somehow led to writing over 4500 words tonight. It was bizarre.
  4. Totodile

    NaNoWriMo 2011

    aaaaa why did I have to do homework this morning instead of writing stuff. I mean honestly. Kay, after some rush-writing I have words now. 2076 words of nonsense, but still words. I feel strangely proud.
  5. Totodile

    NaNoWriMo 2011

    Oh hey what's this And now of course attempting to flesh out my idea beyond "yay friendship <3"
  6. Totodile

    NaNoWriMo 2011

    I would absolutely love to do this. I wanted to do NaNoWriMo last year, but I was even lazier than I am now and tests were flying everywhere and I don't even know. So yeah. But this would be really good for me, having a huge goal with a deadline to make me actually write stuff instead of being...
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