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Search results

  1. Totodile

    The Math Contest

    All right. Let's use my namesake Sobek and the Law of Angular Momentum, shall we? If possible, I'd like it to be around sunset (or sunrise if I misread the map - the light should catch Sobek's performance, rather than blind the audience). Start on the snow somewhere where you'll be sure you...
  2. Totodile

    The Math Contest

    Oh yeah, I still need to get in my appeal don't I. Let's send out Ganymede to show off the wonders of the Mean Value Theorem. Start out by standing a short distance to the left of the center, facing to the right. First send off a Will-O-Wisp in an upwards direction. Let it bob up and down, but...
  3. Totodile

    The Math Contest

    :o Well this looks infinitely more interesting than my ridiculous proofs class. Joining.
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