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Search results

  1. Ulqi-chan

    Green Hills and Blue Skies

    Sorry, I probably should've said that in the thingy. Stupid Arctica >~<
  2. Ulqi-chan

    Green Hills and Blue Skies

    Meep? :/ I was planning Atem to have had Masque for some time before now...
  3. Ulqi-chan

    Green Hills and Blue Skies

    ^ Oh, derp. Well, I guess to basically prove to others and herself that she doesn't need to rely on others to get what she wants. That she doesn't need her brother's help. Other than that, I guess just to be able to pwn anybody that crosses her path, thus building up her confidence more and...
  4. Ulqi-chan

    Green Hills and Blue Skies

    Reserve me a spot, please. I'll probably fill out the form in a few minutes. Well, here goes... Name: Nekko Atem (KNEE-ko ATOM); prefers being called Atem. Age: 11 Gender: Female Trainer’s License ID Number: 4/23/8108 Trainer Type: Lady; Hobbyist Home Town and Region: Black City, Unova...
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