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Search results

  1. Ulqi-chan

    Open Green Hills and Blue Skies

    Atem had been awake for some time, but reasoned against eating with the others; she wanted a few scarce seconds alone with her Pokémon. After letting them wake up soon after, she grabbed a few Pokéblocks from her pack and fed them. She briefly thought of fetching a few of Alex's pancakes, but...
  2. Ulqi-chan

    Open Green Hills and Blue Skies

    Unlike the others, Atem didn't carry a large pack—there was no need to when you could miniaturize everything to work out. Pulling a small, yellow capsule out of her pack, she pressed the button on the side and carelessly tossed it onto the ground, watching it sit there for a brief second...
  3. Ulqi-chan

    Open Green Hills and Blue Skies

    Atem was growing so tired of all these simple-minded know-it-alls ganging up on her, probably not even once sparing the thought that there was more to the Goth than the bitter exterior they saw with their blind eyes, and rolled her eyes. She glanced over at Fletcher as he gave Ogio a long speech...
  4. Ulqi-chan

    Open Green Hills and Blue Skies

    Atem glanced over at Cassy, and her pale eyes narrowed. A positive view of someone for once? Certainly. She gave all her respect to Areotté and saved enough for herself. And even though her brother was gone from the world she lived in, her pride and respect still rested in him. He was the only...
  5. Ulqi-chan

    Open Green Hills and Blue Skies

    Atem hadn't really paid much attention to the scene happening over yonder, though she did glance over at the guy that screwed himself up. Tch, nerd, she thought scornfully, glaring over at the boy, who later introduced himself as Ogio, and almost audibly scoffed as the rest of her group went...
  6. Ulqi-chan

    Open Green Hills and Blue Skies

    [ Grr, Lirris, I need to modify this now. Oh, well. I'll just half it... The first half will be when Atem's still in the Pokemon Center, and the second will be upon meeting Melisa, if that's alright.] Atem had noted that the others were starting to file outside, and decided to go ahead and...
  7. Ulqi-chan

    Open Green Hills and Blue Skies

    Atem felt her frown deepen slightly. Kiara had said that she understood how the Goth wouldn't want another member of their team, which seemed like an invalid statement on her part. What did she even know about Atem, anyway? Why jump to some conclusion like that? Was there even proof to back that...
  8. Ulqi-chan

    Open Green Hills and Blue Skies

    Atem was the last of the group to head downstairs, solely because she wanted the scarce moments of time alone she would have to enjoy as much as she could. A strange, foreign feeling would bubble up inside her when she was around the others, though the Goth couldn't tell if it was a negative one...
  9. Ulqi-chan

    Open Green Hills and Blue Skies

    Atem snapped her eyes open at the first blow of the horrid, horrid airhorn. Feeling herself frown deeply, she sat up in her bed, her dark hair messily falling on her shoulders. She flinched at the second sound of the airhorn, and shot a glare at Alex. "Blow it any harder, will you? You're...
  10. Ulqi-chan

    Open Green Hills and Blue Skies

    Atem softly scoffed as Alex praised her goal, and she rolled her eyes as Kiara spoke up about that stupid Suicune-whatever again. Honestly, when was that girl going to get it through that thick little head of hers? It was as clear as a bell: she was certainly not ever going to find that old...
  11. Ulqi-chan

    Open Green Hills and Blue Skies

    Atem finished her meal and looked over at her Pokemon, a soft smile working itself onto her face. They were eating happily, mumbling quietly along themselves. Masque was even being a bit social. Atem gently ran her fingers on her Shuppet's head, and in response, he gave her a genuine meep of...
  12. Ulqi-chan

    Open Green Hills and Blue Skies

    Atem nodded curtly to Alex after he explained their plan of action for the following day. Turning back to Spiritus, she grabbed the remaining Pokeballs in her pack and, after releasing her Pokemon, slid a few bowls of Pokemon food to her Gothita, Duskull, Eevee and Shuppet. "Eat up," she told...
  13. Ulqi-chan

    Open Green Hills and Blue Skies

    The Goth eyed the card Alex gave her, her pale eyes intense. Back in Black City, her brother had prepared her as a sucessful business woman to live on the legacy of the Atem family, and spotting forgery cards, recipts and checks was something to note. It became a habit to her to check anything...
  14. Ulqi-chan

    Open Green Hills and Blue Skies

    Atem glanced a few times between Kiara and Dink as they exchanged riddles, vaguely even sparing the thought of answering one of them. She didn't particularly care much for futile games such as riddles, nor did she expect to any time soon. However, the sight of seeing the two ponder and muse over...
  15. Ulqi-chan

    Open Green Hills and Blue Skies

    Atem shrugged at Fletcher's answer as she grabbed her Duskull's Poke Ball, eyeing it with vague curiosity. "I doubt Spiritus would anger him to the point of causing a Pokemon Center to collapse, but whatever." She pressed the little button on the ball, letting Spiritus be released for a while...
  16. Ulqi-chan

    Open Green Hills and Blue Skies

    Atem had her back turned on Fletcher, her arms folded, but she still listened to him. She sighed deeply, leveling out her mood, and looked at him over her shoulder. "If it makes you feel better, we would've won if my code of honor wasn't so strict. I admit to that." She looked down at her feet...
  17. Ulqi-chan

    Open Green Hills and Blue Skies

    Atem clenched her fists as she glared over at Fletcher. "I don't care if it was a double battle or not!" she hissed, baring her teeth. "I don't fancy the idea of ganging up on one person. That's not fair, for one thing. Supposing you were on the other side of this battle... Going one-on-two...
  18. Ulqi-chan

    Open Green Hills and Blue Skies

    Atem blinked a few times, her eyes a bit wide. Did that Litwick... maybe want to aim the Shadow Ball at his trainer? By the dirty look he threw him, it made the idea fairly possible... Oh, well. It was Fletcher's Pokemon, so it was his problem. He would have to straighten out his "family...
  19. Ulqi-chan

    Open Green Hills and Blue Skies

    The Goth frowned at Kiara's forfeit. It completely threw the whole battle off balance. Besides, it wouldn't at all be fair for Dink. He was all alone against two Pokemon! ... Well, two very tired Pokemon. Atem pushed a loose strand of dark purple hair out of her face and looked at Enigma. He was...
  20. Ulqi-chan

    Open Green Hills and Blue Skies

    [... Meep, Enigma's a boy. Lol. c:] Atem paused as she watched the scene unfold. ... That Litwick... just shielded her Gothita. Enigma rolled into the ground after Snub knocked him out of the way of the Flamethrower. At first he was angry that the candle shoved him; how rude could a Pokemon be...
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