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Search results

  1. Ultra-Saiyan Jace

    The Challenge Board

    *cracks his neck* Okay, I haven't been here for a while. I shall make a open challenge. Type: 2 on 2 Style: Set DQ: 2 weeks Banned Moves: 0hkos Arena: Planet Saiya Planet Saiya is the birthplace of the Saiyan Species, though it has been abandoned and cast out of knowledge of all beings as...
  2. Ultra-Saiyan Jace

    The Challenge Board

    Braeburn's BACK!!! and he's ready to battle again. Here is my challenge Type: 2 on 2 single battle Style: Set DQ: 2 weeks Damage Cap: 40% Banned Moves: Sllepers and 1-hit-KOs Arena: Lava Lake Yeah, call me crazy, butb we will battle on a lake filled with molten hot lava. Only a small land...
  3. Ultra-Saiyan Jace

    The Challenge Board

    I will take you on Richie. Bring it on. Hehehe :grin:
  4. Ultra-Saiyan Jace

    The Challenge Board

    I shall take you on, Metallica Fanboy.
  5. Ultra-Saiyan Jace

    The Challenge Board

    Ooh, YAY. Bring it on Skylark. :evil:
  6. Ultra-Saiyan Jace

    The Challenge Board

    Umm, I am new up here, so I would like to request my first battle. Open to anybody: Type: 4 on 4 battle in switch mode DQ: 3 days Damage Cap: 30% Banned Moves: i hit KOs and zero accuracy moves. Arena: Planet Saiya I know hwta you might be thinking. "A Pokemon Battle on a Dragonball Z world."...
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