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Search results

  1. Valor

    On Removing Clutter

    Hey, uh, kid, listen. There are fifteen pages of posts discussing why leaving things alone is a foolish idea. Take some time to read them, then come back to the last page where the big boys know what they're talking about and then you can join.
  2. Valor

    On Removing Clutter

    We shouldn't have to wipe the Forum Games every so often. That will just keep it as a repeating problem. What sense would that make.
  3. Valor

    On Removing Clutter

    Exceeeeept I actually note what is spam and not worthy of being read by the average human. You see, it doesn't matter if there IS discussion going on when a huge majority of it is just pointless blather or requires very little thought. On particular note, look at the first page of Forum Games...
  4. Valor

    On Removing Clutter

    Yeah. Because you just posted something "lol so random". Too easy to counter. Give me a harder one.
  5. Valor

    On Removing Clutter

    Your wall of text translates to: We're not telling you to leave. We're telling you to start posting better quality stuff because the current crap is absolute garbage. FYI Topics made in the name of Lulz, when done properly, are actually full of lulz. Hence the name, Lulz.
  6. Valor

    On Removing Clutter

    Oh, yes, a topic with hundreds of pages of people saying what video game remix they were listening to, or being the fiftieth person to say "Still Alive" since the world just needs to know on every single gathering of that song's popularity. Why don't you just create a Last.fm account for that...
  7. Valor

    On Removing Clutter

    Are you just trying to argue because you feel like you're the only power against "the man"? Are you a rebel against the meanies that are trying to clean the forums up? Well, make sure you finish up your fantasy on your own. None of us want to bother with your little role play of you thinking...
  8. Valor

    On Removing Clutter

    YOUR AVATAR IS PRETTY 10/10 does not constitute as conversation. I should not have to look harder. If I can't find it in the first place, then chances are, it's bad. Do you even understand logic? Apparently you don't so let me spell it out for you. Several. Thousand. Posts. Do not. Speed up...
  9. Valor

    On Removing Clutter

    What No it isn't. All it does is clutter the forum archives with many locked topics, making it difficult to navigate ancient topics for something that is actually worthwhile. Unless this were Forum Games. Locking doesn't do a damn thing. The space was already wasted. Soft deleting, as far as I...
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