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Search results

  1. Vipera Magnifica

    Most Anticipated Upcoming Albums

    Wintersun's "Time" is now split up into "Time I" and "Time II". "Time I" is to be released October 12. ABOUT GOD DAMN TIME >:( The album was originally scheduled for release in 2006!
  2. Vipera Magnifica

    Most Anticipated Upcoming Albums

    L'enfant Sauvage by Gojira is set for release June 26th. Jus' sayin' Oh, and Storm Corrosion leaked a while ago. It isn't released until this next Tuesday, though.
  3. Vipera Magnifica

    Most Anticipated Upcoming Albums

    To be perfectly fair, Helvetios is probably my favorite Eluveitie album so far... besides Slania.
  4. Vipera Magnifica

    Most Anticipated Upcoming Albums

    This year looks rather hopeful when it comes to new releases. Post here with any albums that you are looking forward to having. As for me: New Tool album! Having waited six years since the last Tool album, I can't wait for the new album that should be arriving later this year. Storm Corrosion...
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