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Search results

  1. Weazel

    Little Scriven Scrivener's Library

    The Dewott stared at Silver open mouthed. Then he brought a hand up to his muzzle to stifle a few chuckles. Yeah, a reaction that strong definitely meant the Sneasel had a crush. Oh well, Archie knew better than to pry, though he had a good idea who might be on Silver’s mind from their last...
  2. Weazel

    Little Scriven Scrivener's Library

    Archie hadn’t actually had the Sneasel in mind with that little turn of phrase, but, well, if the shoe fit! At least the Sneasel didn’t seem to be taking it too hard. But then, Silver was one of the people Archie didn’t think he had to worry about as much. “I think you’re at the part of the...
  3. Weazel

    Little Scriven Scrivener's Library

    He shot the Sneasel another concerned look. Archie had a sinking feeling that Silver had likely had to put up with far worse than the Dewott’s emotional outburst in the past, and had long since developed strategies for it. Why else would the Sneasel be so calm and understanding? Which, Silver...
  4. Weazel

    Little Scriven Scrivener's Library

    Finally, Archie turned to face Silver again. Just looking at the Sneasel made him feel ashamed of himself, and that feeling got worse when the other mustelid’s immediately response was to try and soothe him. Why wasn’t anyone ever mad at him when he did something stupid or unreasonable? He’d had...
  5. Weazel

    Little Scriven Scrivener's Library

    “Excuse me?” Archie said, his voice suddenly very quiet. For a moment, he could only stare at Silver, as his brain processed just what it was the Sneasel had just said to him. A poorly worded suggestion blurted out without thought, not something worth getting worked up over, the rational part of...
  6. Weazel

    Little Scriven Scrivener's Library

    Archie was far from the best at reading people, but he had some talent for picking on a Pokemon’ physical cues. The way Silver’s ears twitched as he held them upright, the way his tail feathers shifted. The almost desperate look in his eye as he stared at the Dewott’s paw on his shoulder. The...
  7. Weazel

    Little Scriven Scrivener's Library

    Well, talk about awkward. So, this specific Giovanni wasn't this specific Silver's father, but he was a Giovanni's son, and presumably Giovanni was a Silver's father. Which meant that the pair had a connection, and that connection came with baggage, preconceived notions, certain expectations...
  8. Weazel

    Little Scriven Scrivener's Library

    Were it not for the Sneasel’s fur coat, Archie was fairly certain he’d’ve been able to see the color drain from Silver’s skin at the revelation that Giovanni had been out and about around Frontier Town. Which, seemed like kind of an extreme reaction, to Archie? But what did he know, right now he...
  9. Weazel

    Little Scriven Scrivener's Library

    "It's true, I absolutely destroyed Nova's garden," the Dewott said. The damage wasn't near as bad as that, and Archie's tone did suggest he was being facetious. He put his paws on hie hips, and gave Silver a wry, if somewhat tired, grin. "And, you're right, he did forgive me." Silver was...
  10. Weazel

    Little Scriven Scrivener's Library

    Silver didn’t exactly seem convinced. But then, it maybe wasn’t his most convincing argument. Thankfully, it seemed like, for now at least, he’d managed to deflect the Sneasel’s concern, so he leaned back against the table, and did his best to keep his attention focused on his fellow mustelid as...
  11. Weazel

    Little Scriven Scrivener's Library

    The more he stared at this book, the more the words began to blend together. He blinked a few times, then rubbed his eyes, trying to focus his vision, to no avail. Maybe if he just closed his eyes for a few minutes, and rested? Just for a minute though, there were still so many books to go...
  12. Weazel

    Little Scriven Scrivener's Library
    Threadmarks: [CH05] Legendary Problems

    The book made a satisfyingly heavy thunk as it, the largest and heaviest of the tomes he’d grabbed thus far, hit the table. The three others preceding it had been paged through and pushed aside already, left abandoned on the left hand side of the desk where Archie, Bounty Hunter, Wayfarer...
  13. Weazel

    Little Scriven Scrivener's Library

    Stories about their home worlds? To be honest, compared to what was going on here in Forlas, Treasure Town didn’t seem near so exciting. The locals would likely find any stories he could tell fairly disappointing, especially with the mayor hyping them up so much! But, helping around town was...
  14. Weazel

    Little Scriven Scrivener's Library

    “Well,” Archie said, folding his arms and leaning against the doorframe, “We did expose the corruption infesting the highest levels of Frontier Town government, and deposed and arrested the mayor in dramatic fashion during his own party.” He grinned, trying to look at ease. Honestly though, the...
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