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Search results

  1. Weazel

    Frontier Town Drungfield's Remedies

    “Uh,” Archie said, before frowning. Actually, he wasn’t sure if this was the best idea he could be bringing up right now. But, before he knew it, the words were tumbling out of his mouth, anyway, “I noticed that, when you got the Drapion angry again, it only seemed to have eyes for you. Koa and...
  2. Weazel

    Frontier Town Drungfield's Remedies

    Archie felt another weight lift off his chest when Koa finally spoke up. Both his friends had made it through alright. It also seemed like most of them, at least, were in agreement that it was better to try and stick together. The one point of disagreement, however, appeared to be over how...
  3. Weazel

    Frontier Town Drungfield's Remedies

    One by one, the others confirmed they’d had the same experience. Their encounter with a Shadow Pokemon had put them in contact with someone or something that was not a fan of their presence. It seemed like he was the only one for which this was new, as well? So, presumably, that meant something...
  4. Weazel

    Frontier Town Drungfield's Remedies

    The first voice, he was able to identify as coming from the Beldum, Steven. He caught sight of the Pokemon’s single red eye looking his way and gave him a slight wave. They’d managed to save him, after all. Another small victory. Though, Archie was surprised to note that, in fact, he and Steven...
  5. Weazel

    Frontier Town Drungfield's Remedies

    All things considered, Archie’d gotten off pretty light. A few cuts and punctures, bruised ribs, probable concussion. It hurt, a lot, but not like how the others hurt. Especially the ones who’d been poisoned. Especially Steven. Would the Beldum ever be able to recover fully from an injury like...
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