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Search results

  1. Weazel

    Sojaveña Wilds Northern Badlands

    There was something… Vaguely ominous about the idea of shipping the fiends off to a prison out east, rather than keeping them local. Maybe he was just being paranoid… But then again, didn’t the train have to pass through Blaguarro to get back towards the imperial center? Well, maybe not, they’d...
  2. Weazel

    Sojaveña Wilds Northern Badlands

    When the dust cleared, the Morgrem was on the ground. The remaining Impidimp scattered, leaving fully eight of their downed comrades behind. A four grand payday, if they could get them all back to town. "Well," he began, looking around the camp, "we can reuse their tent ropes to tie them up...
  3. Weazel

    Sojaveña Wilds Northern Badlands

    “You do like to talk,” Archie grunted, twirling his Scalchop with one paw while the other dug his last remaining berry out to pop into his mouth. “Let’s fix that.” He rushed Sophie again, aiming his fist for the area right where her chest and stomach met. An obvious attempt to wind the Morgrem...
  4. Weazel

    Sojaveña Wilds Northern Badlands

    Well, he managed to spook a few Impidimp into running off, at least. Even if the remainder’s reprisal stung. Thankfully, it didn’t sting enough to prevent him from biting into his Oran Berry as he made his way back towards the lookout again, drawn by the voice of the little horde’s leader. He...
  5. Weazel

    Sojaveña Wilds Northern Badlands

    Well, seemed like all he got for his troubles was a big helping of poison. That might be something he ought to deal with before it got any worse. Gladion seemed to be doing a fine job of keeping their attention for now, so, Archie made his way around the side of the camp, keeping low while the...
  6. Weazel

    Sojaveña Wilds Northern Badlands

    Archie drew his Scalchop, summoning up his Razor Shell. Twenty on three sounded like pretty steep odds, but Betel was confident they could make it work. He focused, drawing the Water energy blade of his weapon vertically, and took a deep breath. He could feel the beginnings of Shadow Corruption...
  7. Weazel

    Sojaveña Wilds Northern Badlands

    Wait, they were going with Graydian ‘here?’ Did that mean that wasn’t what it was normally called? Well, either way, it was probably better than constantly calling them ‘chimera’ – a word which honestly probably better described the bizarre mix-and-match creature that was Arctozolt rather than...
  8. Weazel

    Sojaveña Wilds Northern Badlands

    This was it, his own personal proving grounds. If Archie was going to make it as a bounty hunter here in Forlas, he was going to have to prove that he had the strength to be more than just a tag-along. Sure, they might not be ready to tangle with Hawthorne, but the lesser Fiends were still worth...
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