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Search results

  1. Whirlpool

    [Followers Victory] Majora's Mask Mafia

    Psst, Hiikaru. I'm a he. :P
  2. Whirlpool

    [Followers Victory] Majora's Mask Mafia

    Wow. WHO KILLED ME? :P Mawile, what roles did everyone have?
  3. Whirlpool

    [Followers Victory] Majora's Mask Mafia

    Re: Majora's Mask Mafia [Day 2] We have a 5/10 vote for Manic Fame. D:
  4. Whirlpool

    [Followers Victory] Majora's Mask Mafia

    Re: Majora's Mask Mafia [Day 2] Bleh. Bandwagoning. Manic Fame. *cough* And adding to that, because Mawile says flavor text is important, the Fierce Deity's Mask and/or ??? but only if he's aligned with good should kill again tonight to see if it's similar or something.
  5. Whirlpool

    [Followers Victory] Majora's Mask Mafia

    Re: Majora's Mask Mafia [Day 2] That's going to be useful. Wait, is it for every kill (like a mafia-ish way of killing for their kill) or specific kills like lovers and such?
  6. Whirlpool

    [Followers Victory] Majora's Mask Mafia

    Re: Majora's Mask Mafia [Day 2] Burned by light? ...that's new...Well, we should definitely lynch. We're losing our majority on the mafia, and what's more, we have a greater chance. From the flavor text (Mawile, will the flavor text actually ever tell anything?), we can guess that ??? took the...
  7. Whirlpool

    [Followers Victory] Majora's Mask Mafia

    Re: Majora's Mask Mafia [Day 1] Cheatmaster strikes me as overly suspicious...as in too suspicious to lynch. Even if it's only a lack of experience...maybe we should just keep this in the back of our heads.
  8. Whirlpool

    [Followers Victory] Majora's Mask Mafia

    Re: Majora's Mask Mafia [Day 1] For the most part, I think Hiikaru was only going for randlynch, since as I've said before, we do have a pretty good chance. But, I suppose abstaining (this is not my final vote) wouldn't be the worst idea. EDIT: I changed the only a few people have posted...
  9. Whirlpool

    [Followers Victory] Majora's Mask Mafia

    Re: Majora's Mask Mafia [Day 1] Does that include healer clashes?
  10. Whirlpool

    [Followers Victory] Majora's Mask Mafia

    Re: Majora's Mask Mafia [Day 1] According to Butterfree in her list of mafia rules, yes, a vigilante can activate an alien. Mawile might do it a bit differently though, so we have to be careful. Now that I think about it, Couple's Mask is almost detrimental to the residents' goals: the ability...
  11. Whirlpool

    [Followers Victory] Majora's Mask Mafia

    Re: Majora's Mask Mafia [Day 1] Hmmmm....smoldering and trampled...that doesn't seem like a mafia kill, but...ouch. There are 4-5 mafia, including the Blast Mask and ???, correct? Worst case, [O] was either a healer or the Mask of Truth. We know he isn't a lover or Captain's Hat (I keep...
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