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  1. Wyvern

    The LGBT Club

    [PAINFUL 'HOLD IT' PW IMAGE] Well like I said in my original post, and I quote Don't get your underwear in a knot over what I'm saying, although judging by the amount of times you said "I", I'll assume that it's your opinion as well. Also, who's this "we're". What do you mean be "we".
  2. Wyvern

    The LGBT Club

    First of all it wouldn't force them to be married, it'd force them to declare themselves as a de facto couple. You see, it's not just married couple that would get affected. Even non-married gay couple would have to declare that they're in a relationship, thus losing the benefits of being two...
  3. Wyvern

    The LGBT Club

    Gays have no equality here in Australia, though that's the way it should stay tbqh. We have an organisation called PFLAG (Parents For Lesbians And Gays) who are fighting for equal marriage rights. This is a stupid idea. Two gay guys living together as individuals get far more benefits from the...
  4. Wyvern

    The LGBT Club

    Eep! Meeting a guy today for the first time, I'm so nervous T_T
  5. Wyvern

    The LGBT Club

    I come out to people I trust with no problems...mum comes out FOR me to people SHE trusts, but never asks me if I want them to know or not >_> At least she's supportive, as are all my friends. Even a Canadian one that said he was completely homophobic O.o
  6. Wyvern

    The LGBT Club

    You look quite masculine actually ^_^ Can't wait till February 13! Epic "Meet the crew" day at Open Doors (www.opendoors.org.au) is going to be epic <333
  7. Wyvern

    The LGBT Club

    I'm glad the local paper didn't do that for me O_O My hometown is very homophobic ;-;
  8. Wyvern

    The LGBT Club

    And their dog? o.o Well I'm happy to say that I'm happy, I had my first true gay experience <3
  9. Wyvern

    The LGBT Club

    I found this place called Open Doors which is actually government funded apparently o.o It specialises in connecting and supporting LGBT teens and their families.
  10. Wyvern

    The LGBT Club

    I found a gay bar called The Wickham and it has rainbow flags outside too :3 It's not a place you'd go to on your own though and I have no one to go with T_T
  11. Wyvern

    The LGBT Club

    I found a gay bar today ^_^ It had bright rainbow flags outside :3
  12. Wyvern

    The LGBT Club

    I know, just being dramatic :P
  13. Wyvern

    The LGBT Club

    Kill them...kill them all...they don't deserve to live
  14. Wyvern

    The LGBT Club

    Truth be told I use my mother's eyebrow plucker to get my wild hairs out xD So lonely x.x
  15. Wyvern

    The LGBT Club

    Saw a reeeeeally cute guy yesterday, we were playing Guitar Hero in a Gametraders store xP Unfortunately he left with his mother, only saying goodbye ): That and he looked about 14-15 ): *sigh* Australia is no place for gays :/
  16. Wyvern

    The LGBT Club

    Lucky you, I'm stuck here on the other side of the country with a single gay/bi guy that I know of T_T
  17. Wyvern

    The LGBT Club

    Good on you Vlad! I salute you ^w^
  18. Wyvern

    The LGBT Club

    Ok I was pissed off when I said that :/ But I'll just quote the passage constantly thrown in my face... Leviticus 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.
  19. Wyvern

    The LGBT Club

    I am officially disowning any and all Christians unless I get to/am getting to know them... I'm highly pissed off right now, though I can't be, because I'm not a person...
  20. Wyvern

    The LGBT Club

    Whoa whoa whoa! Why the hell would she say that? O_o
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