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Search results

  1. Wyvern

    Rate The Video Game Song Above!

    Too heavy? O_o 6/10. I listened to the first few seconds of the singing and was like "ugh T_T" I personally don't like those sorts of songs. You can't go past Oblivion
  2. Wyvern

    Rate The Video Game Song Above!

    8.5/10 Not bad, wouldn't listen to it though :P Ninja Gaiden theme
  3. Wyvern

    Rate The Video Game Song Above!

    8/10 Lol at giant nail for weapon. Song reminds me of DragonForce...I like DragonForce <3 Also, I'm Australian so BlazBlue isn't available for us ;_; Here's a fighting game for you Mortal Kombat Deception - Slaughterhouse Jive
  4. Wyvern

    Rate The Video Game Song Above!

    7/10 Sounds like something from Final Fantasy...I hate FF >< Also the little piano bit at the start was awesome but it went into...well, FF. No one can go past Halo, especially when electric guitar is added ;D Halo 2 - MJOLNIR Mix
  5. Wyvern

    Rate The Video Game Song Above!

    It says malformed video ID x.x
  6. Wyvern

    Rate The Video Game Song Above!

    9/10 Sounds pretty awesome, I somehow imagined it in Pokemon Ranger xD Game: Red Alert 2 Song: Hell March 2
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