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Search results

  1. Yami Angel Christian

    Vending Machine Game

    Out comes a cute girl with tiger ears and a tiger tail (another one, basically)! *Glomps along with the other two and refuses to let go or stop teasing* In goes my search for RedVsBlue Season 9 as a movie like the first 8! (So funny!)
  2. Yami Angel Christian

    Vending Machine Game

    Out comes a Nekogirl! *Glomps* In goes a picture of a tiger with lavendar, though I am suddenly wondering why I would put such a picture into the Vending Machine...
  3. Yami Angel Christian

    Vending Machine Game

    Out comes the complete works of me! All 17 pages... In goes the first 5 Gen. 6 Pokémon to be revealed! Including that MUCH BETTER looking Fire-Type Starter!
  4. Yami Angel Christian

    Vending Machine Game

    Out comes Penfold from Dangermouse! (Cuz I was watching "30 Years Of CiTV" and they're doing a retro special from 3/1/2013 (3rd January)!) In goes a typically tough Super Boss from Final Fantasy!
  5. Yami Angel Christian

    Vending Machine Game

    Out comes one of those little tubs I used to like with the little hoop so you could make bubbles with! (And who the hell likes Nintendo Sonic? Nintendo have killed his franchise! I suppose it WAS Sega's fault for giving us the Dreamcast when they did...) In goes my last Lv 80-odd Platinum Team!
  6. Yami Angel Christian

    Vending Machine Game

    Out comes the Halo Oddball! In goes my wish that after my funeral (when I die, obviously) for the Knights of the Blue Flame/Animé Clan to go off and have the biggest, most epic Oddball Marathon IN HISTORY!!!
  7. Yami Angel Christian

    Vending Machine Game

    (Your brother "fangirled"?) Out comes Windows 7! In goes Google's bid for world domination! (Or should that Tesco's? Wait! Was it Sainsbury's?)
  8. Yami Angel Christian

    Vending Machine Game

    Out comes Guilty Gear X for, no joke, the PlayStation! In goes PSOne classics that looked so much better on the Dreamcast, it's untrue...
  9. Yami Angel Christian

    Vending Machine Game

    Out comes Badassaurus Rex! (I love Borderlands 2!) In goes Inu's bad aim on any video game where weapons are involved! (Seriously! It's embarassing!)
  10. Yami Angel Christian

    Vending Machine Game

    Out comes the Field Spell Clock Tower Prison! (Yeah, I love my Destiny Hero cards!) In goes my want for a D-Counter card! (It's the ONLY Destiny Hero card I don't have...)
  11. Yami Angel Christian

    Vending Machine Game

    *In a Jack Sparrow voice* Out comes chocolate bars and wishes for everybody! *stops Jack Sparrow voice* In goes chocolate bars and wishes for everybody!
  12. Yami Angel Christian

    Vending Machine Game

    Out comes that mythical cheat for Tomb Raider that everyone knows about, but still people fall for, not realising IT DOES NOT EXIST! You know the one! In goes lack of background choices for your Emblem on Halo 4... (Plus the fact we can't use our old Halo: Reach emblem...)
  13. Yami Angel Christian

    Vending Machine Game

    Out comes a paradox! In goes the day I'll be spending with a friend tomorrow to mark a certain anniversary...
  14. Yami Angel Christian

    Vending Machine Game

    Out comes a 10p piece! (Which I think is more, actually...) In goes a ferret who has nicked your coat to sleep in cuz it's nice and cozy and warm!
  15. Yami Angel Christian

    Vending Machine Game

    Out comes my Flare Shield Jutsu! In goes Inuzuka's new nickname, curtesy of my dad at yesterday's Rememberance Sunday, of Dar'tagnian! (I think that's the right spelling...)
  16. Yami Angel Christian

    Vending Machine Game

    Out comes the sleeping form of Swablu from Mystery Dungeon! In goes a full box of Charmanders!
  17. Yami Angel Christian

    Vending Machine Game

    Out comes my computer's incapability to find a wireless network... In goes the new Xbox Dashboard!
  18. Yami Angel Christian

    Vending Machine Game

    Out comes Katakani! In goes a dinosaur balancing atop a ball!
  19. Yami Angel Christian

    Vending Machine Game

    Out comes that radio conversation we all loved from MGS3! In goes the most annoying gun on Borderlands 2! (It's an SMG that makes you run slowly and when you fire it, it sounds like a bunch of Halo Grunts shouting "BANG" and "RATAT", along with "RELOADING" and "SWITCHING WEAPONS"! No, really!)
  20. Yami Angel Christian

    Vending Machine Game

    Out comes a time paradox from your lack of putting anything in! In goes the Big Shell! (from Metal Gear Solid 2)
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