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Search results

  1. Zero Moment

    Warrior Cats Mafia [innocents unofficially win]

    Re: Warrior Cats Mafia [d3] I agree with the restart (Just hope I'm not mafia this time )
  2. Zero Moment

    Warrior Cats Mafia [innocents unofficially win]

    Re: Warrior Cats Mafia [d3] You know what? Fuck it. I don't even know what's going on in this game anymore. And it's getting kinda boring. Myself, Blaz and two others are part of the Mafia. This does not include Sangfroidish. So I imagine there is another faction of Mafia.
  3. Zero Moment

    Warrior Cats Mafia [innocents unofficially win]

    Re: Warrior Cats Mafia [d3] You're obviously a member of the second mafia /obv
  4. Zero Moment

    Warrior Cats Mafia [innocents unofficially win]

    Re: Warrior Cats Mafia [d3] ? WHy are we killing Silver?
  5. Zero Moment

    Warrior Cats Mafia [innocents unofficially win]

    Re: Warrior Cats Mafia [d3] So if Phantom didn't put a lie detector on Silver or whoever because of the scrambling, who's it on?
  6. Zero Moment

    Warrior Cats Mafia [innocents unofficially win]

    Re: Warrior Cats Mafia [d2] I think you're already voting for her?
  7. Zero Moment

    Warrior Cats Mafia [innocents unofficially win]

    Re: Warrior Cats Mafia [d2] I still don't understand why sang is being lynched? Could you explain everyone else's logic to me?
  8. Zero Moment

    Warrior Cats Mafia [innocents unofficially win]

    Re: Warrior Cats Mafia [d2] Wait, why are we lynching sang? I'm confused.
  9. Zero Moment

    Warrior Cats Mafia [innocents unofficially win]

    Re: Warrior Cats Mafia [d2] Jesus dick all these claims and counter(?)claims and suspicion and hunches and overabundance of power roles This game is the most confusing I've had in a while 0_0 (or it could just be the fact that it's 3:30 in the morning. I'll think about it when I wake up)
  10. Zero Moment

    Warrior Cats Mafia [innocents unofficially win]

    Re: Warrior Cats Mafia [d2] So many hunches man.
  11. Zero Moment

    Warrior Cats Mafia [innocents unofficially win]

    Re: Warrior Cats Mafia [d2] So we're actually lynching her now? blazheirio899
  12. Zero Moment

    Warrior Cats Mafia [innocents unofficially win]

    Re: Warrior Cats Mafia [d2] If you were ever hit, would you be told?
  13. Zero Moment

    Warrior Cats Mafia [innocents unofficially win]

    Re: Warrior Cats Mafia [d1] Yeah. Not much more to say.
  14. Zero Moment

    Warrior Cats Mafia [innocents unofficially win]

    Re: Warrior Cats Mafia [d1] I guess the general consensus is abstain?
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