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  1. Zora of Termina

    ArtMo 2010

    I overshot the goal by about five drawings. dA Gallery I shoved them all in, and for those who don't/can't/refuse to use dA I'll probably get an alternate means soon.
  2. Zora of Termina

    ArtMo 2010

    I'm still here and doing it. o: Convenient gallery where everything I've done so far is stored :v
  3. Zora of Termina

    ArtMo 2010

    hrml. Well I'm still drawing! I found my flash drive, so I'm hoping I'll be able to scan tonight and get everything I've done up here by later tonight.
  4. Zora of Termina

    ArtMo 2010

    Well I have all my days up to today finished, however I have hit a snag. See, the good scanner is hooked up to my main computer downstairs. Said computer runs on a wireless internet connection through my WiFi router because I have no way to run the cable into my room. Thanks to a fuck-up by our...
  5. Zora of Termina

    ArtMo 2010

    In, and my first day is up!
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