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Search results

  1. Zora of Termina

    TCoD Christmas:D

    Time to add the stuff I got at Grandma's to the list. -A mug filled with candy -a bottle cap necklace filled with glass that had an image of the Wicked Witch of the West inside -One of those sarcastic plaques -A make-it-yourself fiber optic lamp (the set is for one shaped like a peacock) -A...
  2. Zora of Termina

    TCoD Christmas:D

    I got: Two sweatshirts A blow dryer (the fuck?) A new alarm clock that you can hook up your iPod to (have needed one of these) A watch with real diamonds on it AND MY FUCKING DAMN OFFICE CHAIR <3 And god is it comfortable. I guess I'll buy Spirit Tracks and the new microphone later on with my...
  3. Zora of Termina

    TCoD Christmas:D

    I really dunno what I want. I know I need a new microphone and an office chair, so it'd be nice to get those. Well I DO want Spirit Tracks now I know it's out. It'd be epic to actually get it. Maybe a new kitten too. :3 But Mom keeps acting suspicious whenever I go in our van, so chances are...
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