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Search results

  1. Z

    I'm vaguely interested in metal but I don't really know where to start

    in my personal opinion, Northwind from Falconer is a near perfect album. take my advice with a grain of salt though
  2. Z

    I'm vaguely interested in metal but I don't really know where to start

    I've been meaning to listen to SGM, but I keep forgetting the name hurr. Also I have Stolen Babies, but it's not quite as "We all have schizophrenia" as Unexpect.
  3. Z

    I'm vaguely interested in metal but I don't really know where to start

    ADVANCE AND VANQUISH RUST IN PEACE actually I have no idea as that's going to vary greatly from person to person @_@
  4. Z

    I'm vaguely interested in metal but I don't really know where to start

    ah I have a few songs from their debut, I have all of Chapters From A Vale Forlorn, and all of Northwind. All great albums~ check them out also since this has turned into like a metal recommendation thread, do you know of anything similar to Unexpect? while I'm at it, have you heard...
  5. Z

    I'm vaguely interested in metal but I don't really know where to start

    oh you mean Grime vs Grandeur? yeah, Kristoffer or whatever his name was sucked. glad Mathias came back for Northwind. OH HEY have you heard their newest album yet? I don't remember what it's called but I heard it's "heavier". I don't know if that's a good thing or not.
  6. Z

    I'm vaguely interested in metal but I don't really know where to start

    k this thread is now about Falconer
  7. Z

    I'm vaguely interested in metal but I don't really know where to start

    Falconer has been one of my favorite band for a few years brah :O
  8. Z

    I'm vaguely interested in metal but I don't really know where to start

    Amon Amarth are fucking amazing. Just so everyone knows.
  9. Z

    I'm vaguely interested in metal but I don't really know where to start

    85% of those are either nu-metal, metalcore (which isn't metal), or hardcore (which also isn't metal). so I don't know where you're going with this. also I have adopted this stance recently: if a song can bring three minutes of joy to one person's miserably short human existence, then it's...
  10. Z

    I'm vaguely interested in metal but I don't really know where to start

    Probably, since Unexpect is so kickass. :3
  11. Z

    I'm vaguely interested in metal but I don't really know where to start

    You know, sometimes I can't tell whether or not MD is being serious.
  12. Z

    I'm vaguely interested in metal but I don't really know where to start

    Yeah, for thrash, pretty much get everything by Megadeth. I don't know, I'm kind of obsessed with them. Mustaine is an arrogant faggot but he's pretty good at writing music so whatever. Countdown to Extinction, Rust in Peace, maybe Peace Sells but it's all up to personal taste.
  13. Z

    I'm vaguely interested in metal but I don't really know where to start

    Here's a list, I guess. I'll try not to name bands already mentioned. Power: Falconer, Angra, Galneryus (pretty decent j-metal) Folk: Falconer, Ensiferum, Elvenking, Tyr Trad. (Maiden, Judas Priest): 3 Inches of Blood Melodeath: Amon Amarth, Ensiferum, The Black Dahlia Murder Death: Vital...
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