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Search results

  1. allitersonance

    Closed .:Transformed:.

    "He's that guy who set up the PC system in Kanto, right?" She frowned. "Oh, yeah, I vaguely remember a news story about him. He got transformed too, right? But unless he was transformed the exact same way we were, he wouldn't know how to transform us back. If anyone can remember any details...
  2. allitersonance

    Closed .:Transformed:.

    "We're going to go back when we're stronger," Charlene answered, sitting by a wall. "We'll have to force a scientist to help us, and it'll have to be the ones who worked on this project. Damn, I can't even hack into their minds to do it since I won't have the knowledge and experience." She...
  3. allitersonance

    Closed .:Transformed:.

    Charlene, still unaware of what the others were doing, kept walking. Nobody else seemed to be bothering her, for some reason or another. She wanted to help the others to make more problems for the Rockets, but the espeon was probably watching, and would know who the others were. They'd probably...
  4. allitersonance

    Closed .:Transformed:.

    (( Oh wow managed to happiness-evolve already huh I offer: an excuse )) < Not telling me anything? Perhaps I should show you the benefits of my teachings first. Observe the umbreon that just appeared. > Charlene did, reluctantly. She didn't care about a random enemy even if it was a...
  5. allitersonance

    Closed .:Transformed:.

    (( Oh, right... whoops. I guess I do need school to regain my reading comprehension (alternatively, play the games outside of the underground). Although for the purposes of RPing, to do enough damage to steel to break it, you'd still get more damage than what the games give you in return. At the...
  6. allitersonance

    Closed .:Transformed:.

    (( If your pokemon had the Rock Head ability, it wouldn't take recoil damage. Any other pokemon does lose health from using the move if it hits. )) "Argh..." The blaring alarm still prevented her from using her powers, and from really thinking, so Charlene could only pick a random direction and...
  7. allitersonance

    Closed .:Transformed:.

    Of course, since Felsen found the escape somewhere behind Charlene - who had by now gotten pretty far ahead, expecting the others to follow - she never noticed it. In fact, she barely noticed their absence, being focused on the intersection she'd found herself in, when the alarm started blaring...
  8. allitersonance

    Closed .:Transformed:.

    (( Leaving tomorrow for up to two weeks - exact time unknown. )) Charlene, not caring if there were some remaining behind since there was only one way to go anyway, continued on her own down the dimly-lit halls. There didn't seem to be anything here... for some reason she expected death traps...
  9. allitersonance

    Closed .:Transformed:.

    Though Felsen greatly damaged the wall, simultaneously jarring herself from the impact, when she eventually wore it away the only thing left when the wall fell away was regular rock. Charlene probed it with her mind, then scoffed. "That won't get us anywhere, fool. Stick with the plan or use...
  10. allitersonance

    Closed .:Transformed:.

    (( Leaving on Sunday, btw. )) The hall was surprisingly empty, although all the Rockets posted here might well have been put to sleep after rushing into the room. Still, that didn't mean there was nobody around, and for all she knew there could be cameras around the place. She decided that the...
  11. allitersonance

    Closed .:Transformed:.

    "My plan. You can go with Group Two - they'll inform you, I'm sure, unless none of them were paying attention." Charlene shuffled out the door, still somewhat tired after throwing that skitty. "I need Group One to come with me, but if any Group Two members would like to finish off these Rockets...
  12. allitersonance

    Closed .:Transformed:.

    Although usually a flick would do nothing to wake up a pokemon in an artificially-induced sleep, Charlene wasn't quite there yet, as she'd been struggling the whole way. Or perhaps the Sing failed to send her to sleep entirely. Either way, she managed to shake it off - but, her drowsy mind...
  13. allitersonance

    Closed .:Transformed:.

    "DON'T!" Charlene yelled over the singing, even now starting to feel drowsy. "It's sound, you dolt, it'll put us to sleep too!" She tried to concentrate on another of the Rockets - no new ones were coming, so focusing on these ones was fine - but her eyelids were already starting to droop, and...
  14. allitersonance

    Closed .:Transformed:.

    (( What about dialogue, where say two people are talking? Doesn't really affect others in that situation. )) The others were probably being rather excessive in their attacks, though they were probably just testing their powers as Charlene was. They seemed to be faster at learning what they...
  15. allitersonance

    Closed .:Transformed:.

    "I've got this, now. Check if there's anyone outside, too - I know they're stupid enough to come here alone, but they might not have." Regardless of what the ponyta did, and ignoring the kick that just barely missed the man, she concentrated again. This time she concentrated solely on the pain...
  16. allitersonance

    Closed .:Transformed:.

    "They'll see your keystone," she answered, voice sounding distant again. "It doesn't matter if I can get this, though." She extended her mind, hearing the lock click open. She smirked. She knew what she'd focus on - pain. The same pain from being attacked by the Rockets, even. The memory of the...
  17. allitersonance

    Closed .:Transformed:.

    "No need," Charlene murmured. "We don't want him disgusted, we want him out of commission. But spiritomb aren't supposed to be able to phase out their keystones or turn them invisible. Reality sucks, doesn't it?" She could feel a presence on the other side of the door, so she focused on it. She...
  18. allitersonance

    Closed .:Transformed:.

    "We can't go back in the cages. A lot of them are obviously broken enough for us to escape. But anyone who's got a mostly intact cage can hide in it - anyone I unlocked, I guess - and someone could hide in mine." Charlene's eyes narrowed. Were the Rockets waiting for something? The gastly had...
  19. allitersonance

    Closed .:Transformed:.

    "Crap, already?" Charlene demanded of the gastly. "We don't have time for it now - everyone get away from the door, and the idiot jumping at the doorknob, you are the cranidos, and get the hell away from there! We don't know what the Rockets are going to do, and they've definitely heard us...
  20. allitersonance

    Closed .:Transformed:.

    "Cranidos, get away from the door," Charlene ordered in her most authoritative tone. "We already knew where it was. We're waiting for someone else to open it from outside. The door's locked - or, actually, we never checked. But if it's not, that means this must definitely be a trap, and they're...
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