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Search results

  1. allitersonance

    Damage and Energy Guide

    The calculations are meant to be simple, and part of the ideal of ASB is that the stats of all pokémon are more or less equal, so that pokémon with high stats aren't the only ones usable.
  2. allitersonance

    Damage and Energy Guide

    More or less correct. Referees can choose to take base stats into account, but only in how the base stats relate to each other (shuckle might be considered to have an inherent +1 def/sdef boost and -1 atk/satk, but durant has less than half its defence and could get +1 def), and it's not universal.
  3. allitersonance

    Damage and Energy Guide

    ... though it'd rarely be worth it to actually use an action to recharge instead of a chill or other move.
  4. allitersonance

    Damage and Energy Guide

    TruetoCheese is correct. The calculator is accurate to her guide.
  5. allitersonance

    Damage and Energy Guide

    Well, maybe someone's shooting to have their name on the League Stats page.
  6. allitersonance

    Damage and Energy Guide

    I think the comment was asking if blast burn done by that charizard against a defensively-neutral opponent, without stat modifiers, would be 20% damage. Answer is yes (though energy-wise she adds 3% because it's stated to burn a lot of energy in the description).
  7. allitersonance

    Damage and Energy Guide

    Is it possible to spite "do nothing"?
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