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Search results

  1. allitersonance

    Kusarigamaitachi vs Sunflower

    Wheatley, ice punch, followed by earthquake to bring the building down with as much drama as possible, your victory tied with destruction. Draco Meteor, dragon slayer though you are, we can't let the opportunity to tear the building apart pass us by. What we can do, though, is mock the little...
  2. allitersonance

    Kusarigamaitachi vs Sunflower

    Alright then. Draco Meteor, you're going to start off with a nice double-edge at Patricia; if you can't do that, aim for Euclid instead, or if you can't target either, light screen that first action and just go for the double-edge on Euclid otherwise. However, if Euclid tries to taunt you...
  3. allitersonance

    Kusarigamaitachi vs Sunflower

    I'd like to point out that this is entirely Coloursfall's fault - I didn't choose this team! Draco Meteor, hover first action. Through magic, that shouldn't interfere with anything. Beyond that... Wheatley: Safeguard ~ Psych Up (Draco Meteor) ~ Earthquake Draco Meteor: Belly Drum ~...
  4. allitersonance

    Kusarigamaitachi vs Sunflower

    there are steps we possibly could have skipped here. Wheatley and Draco Meteor, let's go.
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