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Search results

  1. allitersonance

    The Absence Sheet

    Extending my absence about two weeks, though I'll try to get things done.
  2. allitersonance

    The Absence Sheet

    Particularly busy over the next two weeks, so I won't be able to do anything ASB-related that requires more than two minutes of thought.
  3. allitersonance

    The Absence Sheet

    Something or another is up with my Internet - it's not terribly clear, hasn't happened before, and is not being explained to me - so that if we use too much more, we'll have to pay exorbitant prices. As far as I know, anyway. Until it's sorted out or until the next payment period, I'm...
  4. allitersonance

    The Absence Sheet

    Busy until the end of the month.
  5. allitersonance

    The Absence Sheet

    I'll be gone between 21 December and 2 January. I may have Internet access, but I most likely won't, and I have doubts that I'd have enough time for a post requiring a decent amount of time investment.
  6. allitersonance

    The Absence Sheet

    For the entire week I'm going to be gone most of the day, exhausted when I get back, and have homework to fill in the rest. We used to call this a break.
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