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Search results

  1. B

    TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 7]

    Re: TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 3] I meant to warn everyone that I was going to be away these last couple of days but by the time I remembered it was the night phase already ... Well, I've got nothing to contribute yet anyway, so I guess it didn't matter. Big Red Cherry Bomb
  2. B

    TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 7]

    Re: TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 3] Okay, sorry I'm a bit late everyone. Blazhy's right, it gets really complicated really fast in here. So, uh. I, too, have some information ... not much though, and there's a good chance it's not very helpful. Do you guys want it? (Sorry for the vagueness by the way...
  3. B

    TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 7]

    Re: TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 2] Well, that solves that then. Well done, Walker. :) I think it's just as likely that the mafia targeted Dave because of his roleclaim, but yeah, he could have been protecting someone. Feels like we're back at square one now, though. What's our next course of action?
  4. B

    TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 7]

    Re: TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 2] Well, I wouldn't be surprised if we had a vigilante running around, which would account for Superbird's death. Can the mafia kill off one of their own? I suppose there's no reason why they can't, but it seems a little pointless, especially if lynching Superbird was...
  5. B

    TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 7]

    Re: TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 1] Alright, so I have basically nothing useful to add except my vote, which is for no lynch (or abstain, whichever.) I don't really want to find out what Superbird's acting so smug about - of course, he could be lying, but I don't wanna take the risk. Not on the first...
  6. B

    TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 7]

    Re: TV Tropes Mafia [NIGHT 0] Deadly Doctor, maybe? /jumping in
  7. B

    TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 7]

    Re: TV Tropes Mafia [NIGHT 0] Damnit, I know it's been said before, but I log in the moment I have some spare time and you guys already have three pages of discussion? Right, well, uh. There's not much more I can say that hasn't already been said, is there? Personally, I really don't like...
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