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  1. blazheirio889

    ASB Hack Discussion

    Negrek usually adds EXP and stuff when she tags the battle. It hasn't been tagged yet, so I don't think she's gotten around to it. Although battles finished at a later date have been tagged so... maybe she missed it by accident.
  2. blazheirio889

    ASB Hack Discussion

    ... really? Admittedly the only Pokemon I've evolved with the hack so far are Tynamo and Magikarp, but I'd like to make sure. :0
  3. blazheirio889

    ASB Hack Discussion

    I recall being able to change abilities upon evolution, but how would we go about doing that with the current system?
  4. blazheirio889

    ASB Hack Discussion

    Alright, I think I can roll with that. Sooo do I still have to post it in the PRO, or are you just going to tweak the figures?
  5. blazheirio889

    ASB Hack Discussion

    Actually, I forgot to include one thing: would it be possible for Flash Fire to activate immediately? I have no idea why I added that thing in about the Magmarizer taking a while to activate... If I can get away with that and the +30 base power thing, then I don't see why not. If I can't get...
  6. blazheirio889

    ASB Hack Discussion

    I misunderstood the way Flash Fire worked in ASB (I thought it was the same as in the games), so I'd like to add a little clause to Khao's signature move that states that the power boost from Flash Fire is upped by 30 base power instead of 10 base power. And it may be stretching it a little...
  7. blazheirio889

    ASB Hack Discussion

    If I want to change a signature move, but it's already been put on my Pokemon, am I out of luck?
  8. blazheirio889

    ASB Hack Discussion

    Since the data collection thread is locked, though, I can't edit my post to take out the attribute. Relatedly, I just noticed I didn't put Kayne's signature attribute into my post. Would that affect anything since I've posted his attribute here?
  9. blazheirio889

    ASB Hack Discussion

    Hmm, if you previously had a signature attribute on a Pokemon but no longer want it, could we have it removed by not posting it here? Anyway, here is the signature attribute of my Absol, Kayne. Signature Attribute: Mark of Kayne Absol have been, and still are, one of the most misunderstood...
  10. blazheirio889

    ASB Hack Discussion

    Just you wait, I'll evolve Fantasma and rob you of your special shedinja status *evil laughter* And to make this actually kind of relevant: for the super-organized among us, would it ever be possible to switch the order of our active squad/PC Pokemon without tons of withdrawing and depositing...
  11. blazheirio889

    ASB Hack Discussion

    I don't get why people don't like Cradily! It's an amazing ASB Pokemon. Hmm... What about Gardevoir and Swellow? Seviper? Starmie? Why yes I am desperate to keep my special status. ): Also, out of sheer curiosity: what percentage of the Shroomish and Swablu population do I own?
  12. blazheirio889

    ASB Hack Discussion

    Noooo I'm no longer special Actually wait yes I am I think I'm the only one with a Cradily. Beedrill, maybe? Steelix? I dunno.
  13. blazheirio889

    ASB Hack Discussion

    I just took a peek at the stats page and o.O Who is this 2.718281828459045? Is it some account created for ASB guinea pig purposes or...?
  14. blazheirio889

    ASB Hack Discussion

    Branching a bit from the stats page (which is quite amazing btw - never knew that Ralts were so popular), maybe something to tell us how big our own squads and inventories are? It's quite a pain to count my own squad. ):
  15. blazheirio889

    ASB Hack Discussion

    Oh God that's scary D: My precious pixels nooo Also I'm pretty sure this has been brought up before but anyway: in the future, near or far, would there be any way to try to find a Pokemon you're trying to buy without having to scroll through every drop-down list?
  16. blazheirio889

    ASB Hack Discussion

    Since the last major update, Negrek says it's possible to transfer items between trainers.
  17. blazheirio889

    ASB Hack Discussion

    @Chief Zackrai There should be a Print Screen button on your keyboard, next to the F whatevers (haha that sounded funny). Press that to get a screenshot, then open up Paint or something, paste the screenshot, and save it. @Negrek Would it be possible to display the amount of EXP a Pokemon needs...
  18. blazheirio889

    ASB Hack Discussion

    Alright, seems to work fine now. Thanks!
  19. blazheirio889

    ASB Hack Discussion

    Ugh... I'm actually not even entirely sure. I swap Pokemon instead of depositing and then withdrawing, so I suppose I may have counted the number of Pokemon I deposited wrong. Unfortunately I have no idea when this happened - I just noticed now.
  20. blazheirio889

    ASB Hack Discussion

    So far as I can tell, I only have eight Pokemon in my active squad; however, when I try to withdraw more, it tells me I can't because I already have a full squad.
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