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Search results

  1. blazheirio889

    The Suggestion Box

    I don't think I can find the information for this anymore, since the info's disappeared from the front page of the PRO, but iirc Pokemon needed 6 happiness to evolve. 1 point is given for each battle it participates in, and another if it managed to KO something. Has it been changed to 4 happiness?
  2. blazheirio889

    The Suggestion Box

    Would you consider lowering the requirements for happiness evolution? It's pretty much the equivalent of 6 EXP for one evolution, which is iirc more than any regular evolution, and you can't use Rare Candies to speed up the process.
  3. blazheirio889

    The Suggestion Box

    I asked Negrek this before, and she said that it'd be difficult to program, so she'd just stick a list on the first post of the Lacuna Labs or something.
  4. blazheirio889

    The Suggestion Box

    ... speed of reffing. ;~; That means most of us are doomed. I'd be a nice incentive to get the league moving faster, but at the same time I hope the pay isn't decreased too much if we take an extra week or so? I find I just don't have much time to squeeze out a reffing and so I have to take...
  5. blazheirio889

    The Suggestion Box

    Sure, the differences aren't that big, and the biggest ones are when comparing novice to elite, as you said. That's more than a couple dollars, though; in ASB, a little money can go a long way. $7 doesn't seem much at first, but the difference shows when the reffings pile up, as you said once...
  6. blazheirio889

    The Suggestion Box

    Regarding the change in referee pay: I do find it unfair that the novice referees are paid so much less than the elite referees, or even the advanced referees. Thing is, referees are within their rank for a reason, and if they can't produce work that's as good as that of those in ranks above...
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