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Search results

  1. blazheirio889

    Kratos Aurion vs blazheirio889 (Ref: Negrek)

    Ah, I hate to be picky, but I'm still rather confused by the experience distribution. If a Pokemon gets 1 EXP for every opponent that fainted while it was out, shouldn't Indomitable and Fang get 1 EXP each, since Kayne and Phalanx only fainted after Zelos and Ghost came out? Also, as far as I...
  2. blazheirio889

    Kratos Aurion vs blazheirio889 (Ref: Negrek)

    A haxxy match, but a great one nonetheless. After our other battle finishes, Kratos, I don't think I'll be battling you for some time - my fingernails have suffered terribly these past few weeks! Also, this nearly escaped my notice, but the battling Pokemon get EXP, don't they?
  3. blazheirio889

    Kratos Aurion vs blazheirio889 (Ref: Negrek)

    Wah- why is it always Khao? D: What does the world have against fire badgers? ...to be honest I've never thought of Typhlosion as a badger up until now - it was always a weird fox thingy - but eh, that's beside the point. Khao, I doubt you can do much in your position, since Ghost's faster than...
  4. blazheirio889

    Kratos Aurion vs blazheirio889 (Ref: Negrek)

    ... OTL Yes, Blazhy. Check if Starmie can hover, but totally neglect Porygon-Z. Stupid screw-up #3 of the match! Well...! Uh, I wasn't counting on Zelos going down so quickly, or I wouldn't have ordered that Hydro Pump, but eh, whatever works. Also wtf so many misses whryyy Khao, we need to...
  5. blazheirio889

    Kratos Aurion vs blazheirio889 (Ref: Negrek)

    Okay, then. Garnet, you consentually hover, so float up to dodge Earthquake and return fire with Hydro Pump at Zelos. Since there's no energy in this battle, you may as well stick around in the air. After that, stick up a 20% Substitute - it should just barely survive that Thunderbolt - and end...
  6. blazheirio889

    Kratos Aurion vs blazheirio889 (Ref: Negrek)

    The two names are pretty close, aren't they? It's a shame I only realized it after I made his signature attribute. Ah, well. You two did much better than I expected. Good job. Alright, Khao and Garnet, you two are up!
  7. blazheirio889

    Kratos Aurion vs blazheirio889 (Ref: Negrek)

    Fff-! Stupid Psypokes and their colour-coded types - I must've thought Mirror Coat was Light Screen. :| I'm an idiot. Well, Kayne! Nothing to do but stick a Future Sight at Zelos. After that, you can take a nice, long break. You did excellently. Future Sight @Zelos ~ die ~ die And there...
  8. blazheirio889

    Kratos Aurion vs blazheirio889 (Ref: Negrek)

    RNG gods I love you! *bows* Okay, because I am lazy and uninspired, Phalanx, you shall have boring commands. Stick up a Light Screen first, and then spit a nice, juicy Gastro Acid at Zelos. Stealth Rock if he Protects or is otherwise inaccessible for any reason - Substitute is included...
  9. blazheirio889

    Kratos Aurion vs blazheirio889 (Ref: Negrek)

    I attacked first last round, didn't I?
  10. blazheirio889

    Kratos Aurion vs blazheirio889 (Ref: Negrek)

    Why does it feel like everyone's reffing lightening-fast except for me? It's making me feel bad D: Anyway, first things first: knocking out Fang. Kayne, Sucker Punch him. If he's not going to attack, though, instead focus on Indomitable and use Flamethrower, Fire Blast, and Flamethrower. Use...
  11. blazheirio889

    Kratos Aurion vs blazheirio889 (Ref: Negrek)

    I could've sworn Reflect was on the list, but I must've been on something. Aah, not that it matters too much. Actually, one could argue that it was a good thing, but meh. Details. Well, if Kayne can't use Thunder, then I see no reason not to switch things around a bit. Phalanx, time to switch...
  12. blazheirio889

    Kratos Aurion vs blazheirio889 (Ref: Negrek)

    Wow, that was fast. Thanks, Negrek. Well, I'll send out Kayne and Phalanx, then, I suppose. Well, we have absolutely no hope of out-speeding Fang, do we? So let's just make do with what we have. Kayne, Counter when you're hit with a physical attack, and Magic Coat if you're going to get hit...
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