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Search results

  1. blazheirio889

    The HeartGold/SoulSilver Status Thread

    Alright, so I've beaten the Elite 4. I didn't really have much trouble, despite being rather underlevelled - my highest leveled Pokemon was 43, I believe? I forget. But with some type-abusing and a bit of hax, I got through just fine. For the few who actually care: Bruno was probably the...
  2. blazheirio889

    The HeartGold/SoulSilver Status Thread

    Finally caught a Remoraid! ...Except that she had a horrible nature, so I bred for another one. Then, I spent forever trying to find a Magmar - my efforts ended in failure - so I only had the patience to hatch two Remoraid. The one I decided to keep still had a nature that left things to be...
  3. blazheirio889

    The HeartGold/SoulSilver Status Thread

    I'm not sure if Entei has it, but maybe it was trying to use Roar? The move has negative priority. Anyway, I'm in Goldenrod Underground - well, technically I'm in the radio tower, since I just got the key from the director. [Krakatoa] Typhlosion (F) Lvl 37, I think...? [Nepenthes] Weepinbell...
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