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Search results

  1. bulbasaur

    Bank of TCoD

  2. bulbasaur

    Bank of TCoD

    +15 +6 =+21
  3. bulbasaur

    Bank of TCoD

    -35 -12 =-47
  4. bulbasaur

    Bank of TCoD

  5. bulbasaur

    Bank of TCoD

  6. bulbasaur

    Bank of TCoD

    Claiming this entire battle of 9 rounds (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) and its end-of-battle prize which I do not need to claim. =+41
  7. bulbasaur

    Bank of TCoD

    Claiming this entire battle of 8 rounds (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) and its end-of-battle prize =+37
  8. bulbasaur

    Bank of TCoD

    -15 -5 =-20
  9. bulbasaur

    Bank of TCoD

    -35 -7 =-42
  10. bulbasaur

    Bank of TCoD

  11. bulbasaur

    Bank of TCoD

    +20, but you already gave me the money. Do we need to claim end-of-battle prizes?
  12. bulbasaur

    Bank of TCoD

  13. bulbasaur

    Bank of TCoD

    Claiming this battle of one round and its ending prize. =+9
  14. bulbasaur

    Bank of TCoD

    +$16 from my win against Ampharos :D EDIT: Not until Ampharos' concern is addressed, though, please.
  15. bulbasaur

    Bank of TCoD

    Click here and follow instructions. Good luck! EDIT: ninja'd
  16. bulbasaur

    Bank of TCoD

    E-reffing for Byrus vs. Kratos Aurion. These three rounds (6, 7, 8) and the ending prize are being claimed. This comes to a total of $37. However, I would like to siphon the funds from one of the rounds to Zhorken. This would make: +$37 - $9 =+$28
  17. bulbasaur

    Bank of TCoD

    For "winning" my battle against Sonic Rainboom, I apparently get +16
  18. bulbasaur

    Bank of TCoD

  19. bulbasaur

    Bank of TCoD

    Claiming this entire battle of eighteen rounds (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18) and its end-of-battle prize. 18*4+5= +$77
  20. bulbasaur

    Bank of TCoD

    The link is broken, here's the right one: http://forums.dragonflycave.com/asbcp.php?do=join
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