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Search results

  1. canisaries

    Landsverd Teardrop Island

    Had Andre been a canine, he would have wagged his tail. He hadn't failed. He'd passed. Somehow. Honestly, he had to question Articuno's judgment a little. But maybe they knew better who was suited for their organization. Oh. Hm. Not a completely green light, then. But, well... Andre believed...
  2. canisaries

    Landsverd Teardrop Island

    The snow shade dissipating made Andre think for a moment that he'd actually been useful before he realized it was simply the consequence of Articuno being felled. He felt stupid, wondering if there was any point to his attacking the shade, but maybe he'd been keeping it busy. Probably not. He...
  3. canisaries

    Landsverd Teardrop Island

    After he'd had a few seconds to clear his head, guilt settled into Andre. The others were fighting and he'd run away. When the others were probably taking worse hits than him with nothing but a gritting if the teeth, why wasn't he able stay in the fray? Well, he was simply too weak. He wouldn't...
  4. canisaries

    Landsverd Teardrop Island

    For a moment, things seemed better, and of course that was quickly followed by a freezing silver blast that knocked him onto his proverbial ass again. The world faded into black - but suddenly brightened with a warmth. Reviver seed. It must have been that. Did that mean... that Articuno...
  5. canisaries

    Landsverd Teardrop Island

    In his twenty-three years of sheltered human life and some odd months as a deer, Andre had not felt anything near the magnitude of pain that the rocks driving into his skin and flesh and bones brought. He flew back and smacked onto the ice, aching so hard that he wasn't sure if the rocks had...
  6. canisaries

    Landsverd Teardrop Island

    Andre's heart jumped to his throat. They actually were reading his mind now, weren't they? Quick! Don't think about anything you want to keep secret! A barrage of jumbled unwanted thoughts came as if on command - the image of a knife, wounds on naked human skin, men screaming in pain, the...
  7. canisaries

    Landsverd Teardrop Island

    The battle began, all too quickly, and suddenly everything was white and cold. Andre shivered, only partially from the chill. His first thought, the first thought of the Wayfarer, the brave world-saving hero, was I can't do this. How was he supposed to find Articuno? Make his attacks hit them...
  8. canisaries

    Landsverd Teardrop Island

    Andre looked around with his mouth slightly ajar, taking in the sights. How pretty it was here! It was a shame he wouldn't remember any of this after he got home... he didn't expect to really be able to paint before that. Not that landscapes were really his forte, anyway. "It's beautiful here,"...
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