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Search results

  1. cheesecake

    The Contest Den!

    Yay, second! Woot!
  2. cheesecake

    The Contest Den!

    YAYZ. I gots a trophy :D
  3. cheesecake

    The Contest Den!

    Winners already! *waits some more* >.> Ack no 101 post ;-; I was so close
  4. cheesecake

    The Contest Den!

    Yesyesyes please Mewtwo either help judge or don't but make it happen already ;-;
  5. cheesecake

    The Contest Den!

    Woah woah woah, what happened to the spelling/grammar cop I once knew? (You said so in my profiles text thingy!) Let's have a class. Kan, is can. Haz, is has, but should even further be 'I have'. Reezults, Results. Naow, now. Putting together the sentence, "Can I have the results now?" instead...
  6. cheesecake

    The Contest Den!

    We were talking about the user, not actually THE Mewtwo. xD
  7. cheesecake

    The Contest Den!

    You is not! You is smart! *finger wiggle* I vote Mewtwo's a he. That's what I tink.
  8. cheesecake

    The Contest Den!

    Hmmm, if he's not there, you should just judge them yourself. >.> I dunno, I have few good ideas xD
  9. cheesecake

    The Contest Den!

    Woah, it's been to days since anyone posted here >.<; So, yeah.....kinda bumping it up for ya, FeatherFur.
  10. cheesecake

    The Contest Den!

    Whee *waits for judging* *listens to zune*
  11. cheesecake

    The Contest Den!

    Please don't torture me *uses Fake Tears* ;-;
  12. cheesecake

    The Contest Den!

    Well thank you! It's gotta be my best sprite EVAR. *pats self on back* Yours is cool too, Zulo. All glowy. Gloooooooooowy. ^-^
  13. cheesecake

    The Contest Den!

    Rainbow Espeon! I luv it :3
  14. cheesecake

    The Contest Den!

    Bring it, cause I'm ready! *rubs hands together* >:D
  15. cheesecake

    The Contest Den!

    Don't worry, I agree with you. ;3
  16. cheesecake

    The Contest Den!

    This was before I was smart enough to save it as a PNG ;-; But yay, 11/20 for my first contest. I'll join the next one, and.... I'LL MAKE SURE TO SAVE IT AS A PNG!
  17. cheesecake

    The Contest Den!

    Well you're evil-er! ;D
  18. cheesecake

    The Contest Den!

    So evil! ;D
  19. cheesecake

    The Contest Den!

    Wow, nice idea Tropiking. That's an awesome splice ;3
  20. cheesecake

    The Contest Den!

    Psha, I can wait. *eye twitches*
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