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Search results

  1. dolphinfish


    Uh, funny story. The mother existing can qualify as outside interference. Last I checked, it was difficult to be born without a mother, surrogate or otherwise. Correct me if I'm wrong. Unborn babies are effectively parasites and women's bodies can abort effective parasites, especially if said...
  2. dolphinfish


    Also, we'll have to develop menopause prevention so none of the eggs are wasted.
  3. dolphinfish


    Okay, first: how pregnant? Once you get to be 8-9 months pregnant, there is a multi-pound weight in your body in an uncomfortable position... oh, all the time. But that much is obvious. These are normal symptoms for the first month or so of pregnancy. Okay, so about 1-2 weeks after you...
  4. dolphinfish


    ...Can you think of a way for a child to be adopted in which case it doesn't have to be born first? 1. Legally, at least where I leave, if you are under a certain age (varies by where you live, but still) and you have sex it is rape. Or if you have sex while drunk, it's rape (because you...
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