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Search results

  1. foreign contaminant

    What Games Are You Playing?

    persona 3 FES. i'm soooo close to the end, i really want to beat it and get persona 4.
  2. foreign contaminant

    What Games Are You Playing?

  3. foreign contaminant

    What Games Are You Playing?

    it's an SRPG with oodles of depth all over the place. you have to be into the gameplay, as it's driven by the gameplay more than the story. if you can take the gameplay, the rest of the game is just so likeable. i'm sure i'm not the only one who would recommend it.
  4. foreign contaminant

    What Games Are You Playing?

    haha, sounds like my kind of game :U
  5. foreign contaminant

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Nin nin~~~ i felt like starting a game - particularly one that isn't as demanding as persona 3 FES, which i decided that i had to temporarily part ways with. i booted up final fantasy IX last night to fill that hole. edit: they're remaking persona for psp? i must play that someday. oh, and is...
  6. foreign contaminant

    What Games Are You Playing?

    still playing persona 3 FES. i'm putting the finishing touches on some social links and finding more to build up in the process. i kinda wish i found them sooner.. but now all i need to do is max those out, buff up my academics, charm and courage, and then i can take some girls out on dates and...
  7. foreign contaminant

    What Games Are You Playing?

    i'm still playing persona 3 FES. it's a lot of fun. really, it is. but even though it's not frustrating at all when it happens, there's something amiss about losing a half-hour of game to one enemy that manages to kill you by the luck of the draw. i had leveled up both my character and his...
  8. foreign contaminant

    What Games Are You Playing?

    on ps2, i've been playing persona 3 FES. on pc, i've been playing neon genesis evangelion: girlfriend of steel. on wii, i played nights: journey of dreams, though i got tired of it really quickly.
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