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  1. foreign contaminant

    What are you reading?

    i loved it. it was a great book. i think i'd like it more now than i did when i read it two years ago.
  2. foreign contaminant

    What are you reading?

    wuthering heights. it's not my cup of tea.
  3. foreign contaminant

    What are you reading?

    inb4 women are cows j/k thus spoke zarathustra is good, sexism aside. he says some stuff i can get behind. i just couldn't get behind that at a time when my mom was the more sensible person in a wartorn household. gravity's rainbow. i won't finish it by tomorrow morning, let me tell you.
  4. foreign contaminant

    What are you reading?

    invisible man, by ralph ellison. i hope to finish that and gravity's rainbow by the end of my break.
  5. foreign contaminant

    What are you reading?

    i read underground back in the spring and really liked that as well. i figured i would like this book, but not nearly as much as i did. he's an author i really want to keep checking out, for sure.
  6. foreign contaminant

    What are you reading?

    i finished it. it was probably the most satisfying book i've read in months. i loved it. i'm not really sure what to read next.. i'll probably read some poems from an arthur rimbaud omnibus i purchased awhile back. i might start the picture of dorian gray, but i don't really know.
  7. foreign contaminant

    What are you reading?

    the wind-up bird chronicle. ~1/3 of the way through it, and i'm really enjoying it so far. so weird, but so good.
  8. foreign contaminant

    What are you reading?

    i finished the fall. it wasn't really for me. now, i have to read two books at once, for two different classes. i have to read no exit for english, while i have to read the glass menagerie for a writing class. then my english class is reading king lear in class. edit: since my books for...
  9. foreign contaminant

    What are you reading?

    i'm still reading the fall. i decided on no exit for the english project, but the bookstore has all three, so i'll likely pick up all three. the way people have described each book makes them sound like something i would love. besides, i wanted to read samuel beckett anyway.
  10. foreign contaminant

    What are you reading?

    the fall, by albert camus. i have to read a book in order to write a piece of literary criticism for english. the recommendations i got were going after cacciato, waiting for godot, and no exit, by tim o'brien, samuel beckett, and jean-paul sartre, respectively. i'm interested in all of them...
  11. foreign contaminant

    What are you reading?

    i finished as i lay dying! it wasn't for me. i started fear and loathing in las vegas tuesday night. i'm really liking it.
  12. foreign contaminant

    What are you reading?

    as i lay dying, only i'm actually reading it this time. i also have to read some of the canterbury tales for english. i should have brought the copy my teacher gave me home; my copy's translation is.. less entertaining. i'm trying to put it off, as bad an idea as that is.
  13. foreign contaminant

    What are you reading?

    as i lay dying, william faulkner.
  14. foreign contaminant

    What are you reading?

    i moved on to the plague. i'll probably be reading it for a while; my schedule's going to be pretty hectic in the few weeks of summer i have left.
  15. foreign contaminant

    What are you reading?

    i finished beowulf and moved on to grendel, by john gardner. i should probably start that today..
  16. foreign contaminant

    What are you reading?

    i finished it about a half-hour ago. it was okay.. nothing spectacular. i didn't mind reading it. i'll start beowulf later today. then i have some books with me that i may or may not read if i have time.. grendel, by john gardner the plague, by albert camus invitation to a beheading, by...
  17. foreign contaminant

    What are you reading?

    i just read a book, closer, by dennis cooper. it was pretty good; the abundance of sex scenes made it more than a little unsettling, though. but i recommend it. i'll probably start frankenstein in the next few days. yay, summer reading..
  18. foreign contaminant

    What are you reading?

    i finished the crying of lot 49. i didn't get anything out of it, probably because i read it in places where i couldn't concentrate on books. i'm going to start thus spoke zarathustra tonight. i've had enough fiction for a little while.. with things going on at home, i can use something different.
  19. foreign contaminant

    What are you reading?

    tell me how it is. it's one of the books on my shelf i have not yet read. i decided on the crying of lot 49. i don't get what's going on; thomas pynchon is too good at writing. that, and i've only tried to read it in places where it's hard to concentrate on a book.
  20. foreign contaminant

    What are you reading?

    now i'm reading either the crying of lot 49 or invitation to a beheading, whatever i decide to read next.
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