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  1. goldenquagsire


    political correctness is swings and roundabouts. on the one hand, it forces people to think about what they say. on the other hand, it makes everyone into an amateur merriam-webster.
  2. goldenquagsire


    again, it's just conjecture, but I'm sure that if someone asked these people out, they wouldn't turn down the offer. juuust sayin~
  3. goldenquagsire


    I thought the distinction was mostly philosophical special snowflakery. Although the issue of transgeder etc. complicates matters, I'd have thought that most bisexuals wouldn't see it as a problem. I personally wouldn't have a problem with dating or sexing a non-traditionally gendered person...
  4. goldenquagsire


    my parents met in their 30s (both had no previous marriages although obviously they did have exes) and didn't get married for another ~16 years, at least 15 years after I was born. and even then they claimed that it was totally for tax reasons and that it didn't compromise their socialist ethics...
  5. goldenquagsire


    it's interesting that almost everyone who claims that high school relationships are stupid and lame and kiddy were single throughout their time at school. conversely, I've very rarely heard people who were in a school romance claiming that it was stupid and not worth their time. I may be a...
  6. goldenquagsire


    so what? the fact that he holds offensive beliefs doesn't impact on the quality of his writing. and I personally quite enjoyed the Ender's Game series whilst recognising his prejudices as a mormon.
  7. goldenquagsire


    I love how relatively tame 'bugger' has become considering it explicitly means 'anal sex'. You hear old grannies and childrens' entertainers using it and they seemingly don't get the connotations. :) Well, that's why our English teacher is awesome. He seems to be deliberately mysterious (he's...
  8. goldenquagsire


    but it doesn't have quite the malleability of 'fag'! Kids will be kids!
  9. goldenquagsire


    We have an English teacher who I'm almost 99% positive is gay (no purely straight man can exude such levels of camp!). One time in class, a guy said that a play he saw recently was "really gay". There was a stone cold silence when everyone looked at the guy. English teacher told the guy never to...
  10. goldenquagsire


    whether gay or straight, I don't see why your teachers need to know anything about your sexuality. I wouldn't want to tell my teachers anything about my sex life. :/ friends and family is a different matter though.
  11. goldenquagsire


    I was under the impression that 'traps' referred to guys who are comfortable with their biological bodies but prefer to pass as women either because they dislike gender roles (a noble cause, yes), because the clothes are comfier (this... might well be true... not going to say anything more...)...
  12. goldenquagsire


    ...and your friends think you're a lesbian? nah, don't worry about it. some people are more touchy-feely than others, irrespective of sexual preference. although that does seem to be a little bit more over-the-top than just "affectionate". O_o
  13. goldenquagsire


    I think it's used more in the context of hentai anyway, i.e. as the non-weeaboo equivalent to 'futanari'.
  14. goldenquagsire


    well in theory they're awesome (best of both worlds!) but in reality if I met one I'd probably shit bricks.
  15. goldenquagsire


    also, bear in mind that upbringing can have a significant effect on your outlook in life. even though we all have the capability to make up our own minds about stuff, if we've been brought up to believe something - especially if, like Elliekat, we've been raised in a strongly conservative...
  16. goldenquagsire


    apparently my dad got hit on by a male bartender once and he was quite a charming man. so I guess that means my dad was doing something right. :o
  17. goldenquagsire


    i've done it a couple of times, mostly for lulz but also once or twice semi-seriously. like there's this one catholic guy who I like to wind up by remarking on his cute eyes, lovely hair and how adorable he is when drunk.
  18. goldenquagsire


    Well yeah, but then I'd feel a little guilty that I wouldn't be able to fulfil the other guy's sexual needs. I guess there are /other/ ways of pleasuring someone, but eh. Hrm, maybe I should try this sometime. I'm just a little worried that I'll end up in hospital and will have to make up a...
  19. goldenquagsire


    what ^_^;;
  20. goldenquagsire


    sweet christ's bollocks how are you still able to sit down after that. on a more serious note, isn't it supposed to hurt like hell, at least the first few times?
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