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  1. goldenquagsire


    I would use this as an example of why nudity laws are retarded. edit: @Zim and sreservoir: tru dat.
  2. goldenquagsire


    This one really made me smile. When you hear of all these asshole parents making life miserable for their kids, it's nice to see some old folks who are cool with their children being gay and would even go to Gay Pride. Which my own mum used to do in her uni days. :D
  3. goldenquagsire


    we call that 'repression'. :D oh god lol. you've brightened up my afternoon. xD
  4. goldenquagsire


    oh for fuck's sake that's tasteless. :( that's like if they made a statue of Stephen Milligan with suspenders and an orange segment. oic well now I have more legitimate reasons to dislike him. :D huh this would be cool if it were true but
  5. goldenquagsire


    we didn't kill Turing! we just subjected him to a horrific, degrading punishment which probably led to his suicide! not that I approve of Boris, but I wasn't aware that he held any particularly anti-gay sentiments? oh christ I have to restrain myself every time someone mentions Mandleson...
  6. goldenquagsire


    ooh we're studying Larkin in English atm. :D well to be fair they've had a fair stab at criminalising homosexuality in the past. and they still do, for that matter.
  7. goldenquagsire


    k, you know that feeling you get when you see a hot girl? substitute "hot girl" for "hot guy" and that's what homosexual feelings are like. it's not like gays have some weird mystic voodoo crap that makes getting the hots for your own gender magically different from normal hetero horniness...
  8. goldenquagsire


    there's not really anything to "understand"? some guys like guys and some gals like gals (and some guys and gals like both guys and gals) in the just the same why as some guys like gals and some gals like guys.
  9. goldenquagsire


    ooh they mentioned that in school. poor guy, apparently he started growing breasts because of the hormones they used to castrate him. D: i don't see what Al Gore has to do with Turing tho'.
  10. goldenquagsire


    aw. ): in fact, hats are quite good at preventing babies (that is, if you don't mind getting lint on your dick)
  11. goldenquagsire


    because a young girl getting knocked up is totally better. :D who said it doesn't? Half a league, half a league, Half a league onward, All in the valley of Death Rode the six hundred: 'Forward, the Light Brigade! Charge for the guns' he said: Into the valley of Death Rode the six hundred.
  12. goldenquagsire


    Fine, we won't expect you to vote against your religion. In return, we get to mock and humiliate you, and come out in droves to vote against your choice. ;D
  13. goldenquagsire


    he looks like he wants to touch me inappropriately behind the bike shed D:
  14. goldenquagsire


    dunno, lol money and blowjobs would be my first guess. I'm offended when religious people say things like "gays are unnatural". What do you say to that?
  15. goldenquagsire


    sure they might be utterly batshit but fuck me if they don't have nice cathedrals, much better than that boring CoE shit
  16. goldenquagsire


    the catholic church now supports killing gay people well, at least they're being upfront about it.
  17. goldenquagsire


    "God created rainbows so I could catwalk to heaven!" the giggles that statement gives me is matched only by the giggles i get when i think of the mormons' reactions x3
  18. goldenquagsire


    protip: kick him up the arse and abandon him. someone that stupid doesn't need friends. I still don't understand how people can't get this through their goddamn heads. i mean i can vaguely comprehend how religious people do it, even if i think their reasons are pretty stupid, but how the hell...
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