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  1. hopeandjoy


    I know this-I am a cisgendered female who enjoys lots of "masculine" things and not very many "feminine" things. And I am considered odd for it. My mom thinks that it's just a phase. A 14-year long phase. Society has to change these stereotypes. They hurt both men and women and force people to...
  2. hopeandjoy


    Except it's not a belief. It's a fact. Your sex is the genitals you had when you were born. Your gender is what gender you identify as. More specifically, gender refers to the norms and stereotypes society places on you. Little girls like pink, dresses, dolls, and frills. Little boys like...
  3. hopeandjoy


    You really have no idea, do you. A transgender person is the gender they identify as, not the one they were born as. Though, as a cisgendered female, I should probably let someone who knows a little better than I do take over.
  4. hopeandjoy


    No, what I said was someone's gender goes hand in hand with their sexuality. Gender and sex are two completely different things.
  5. hopeandjoy


    Gender and sexuality go hand in hand, Pwnemon. Jolty did answer your first post.
  6. hopeandjoy


    Because you completely cut up Jolty's post to make it look like he was talking down to you.
  7. hopeandjoy


    Yeah, I always thought that if a woman was born male and was attracted to males, she'd be straight and if she was born male and was attracted to females she'd be a lesbian. Really, it's not that hard. A transgendered or intersexed person is the gender they identify as and thus both their...
  8. hopeandjoy


    My parents met at ages 15 and 16 and suddenly, romantic comedies seemed a lot more real. My parents are complete opposites, my mother is a social butterfly and my father is a work-obsessed (but in a good way) hermit who thinks everything is beneath him. (I take after my dad.) They broke up...
  9. hopeandjoy


    Oh yeah, that's why. God dammit Mom, I'm not a slut or confused!
  10. hopeandjoy


    My mother who works at her church and is very religious. The reason why it came up is that is was in the catechism books and mothers were pissed. Mom told us about it. Even our priest agreed with her. And my family does a happy dance each time it gets legalized. Adoption doesn't count then? A...
  11. hopeandjoy


    ...I'm not sure if I'm bi or not. I'm sexually attracted to both genders, but I'm only romantically attracted to men. Oh, and Catholic fun fact: Homosexual feelings are a-okay and if gay people could get married, homosexual sex would be too.
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