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  1. hopeandjoy


    That doesn't change the fact you still implied that homosexuals, bisexuals, and pansexuals aren't good enough to be part of society. Don't say things that can be so easily misinterpreted.
  2. hopeandjoy


    Still not reason to uphold DADT. If, by some bizarre chance (because I doubt the first thing on someone's mind when they're away at war is love and sex), there is confession made and everyone's polite about it and there is no hard feelings, what's so terrible? I know that I don't feel flattered...
  3. hopeandjoy


    The minute you say "good enough to be part of society", the minute I lose what little respect I had for you. That doesn't mean the football player's normal. It just means he's a douche. I refuse to believe that every person would be an ass about it.
  4. hopeandjoy


    But that's not fair to people who don't want to lie about who they are and want to serve their country. If I wasn't bisexual and a lesbian was attracted to me, I wouldn't be creeped out. I would act the same as I would if a man I wasn't attracted to asked me out and politely decline. I'm sure...
  5. hopeandjoy


    Yeah, but if you out yourself they, hey! Sorry 'bout that, but you can't continue to serve your country! Which totally stops discrimination, am I right?
  6. hopeandjoy


    Okay, I have to step into this old post to say something. I was raised Catholic and I will tell you right now my mom and sister are not, I repeat, not batshit insane. In fact, they support gay marriage. It is not fair to Catholics to make such a glaring generalization. Everything has its...
  7. hopeandjoy


    I think the reason why I hate body hair is that my brother is a bear. I've never seen I more hairy guy. Too bad he like wearing shorts. D= And yeah, we need an idiot to come along and- wait, I know! I need help with this idiot at school (We'll call him Scott, because that's his name.) remarks...
  8. hopeandjoy


  9. hopeandjoy


    That's fine. Actually, dogs are a completely different species. Just like how pigs are different from wild boars. And yes, it has. Well, it has heavy proof. Fossils, carbon dating, and DNA testing, oh my! Also, our extra organs, for somethings. If you say so~ When people come to my door, my...
  10. hopeandjoy


    That's right! Hey, this person might be with us! ...Damn. It's not wrong to love, you know. You just made me sad. We women are NOT meant for just getting it on and becoming preggers. Some people love people of the same gender because some characters listened to a talking snake...
  11. hopeandjoy


    Although you posted that link to make fun of them, I still feal a little sick from one of the passages used. =/
  12. hopeandjoy


    Also: "I'd be there everyday, To tell you, 'It's okay! You were just born that way! And, as they say, it's in your DNA, you're gay~!'"
  13. hopeandjoy


    It also doesn't apply only to blacks.
  14. hopeandjoy


    Don't make me break out the book, "Why We're Liberals". As some one else said, love is love. We have no right to dictate who will love who. And if people love one another, there is no reason why they can't get married and have kids, even if the have to adopt. T_T May I join you?
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