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  1. ignore_this_acct

    Weird Feelings/Sensations

    Here are some energy ball vids For you guys! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYSGdJ-7aTM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=be_Nzul6Olk&feature=channel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=of4tr1p3f3I&feature=channel Of course I'm not that good,All I can do is a small amount of heat
  2. ignore_this_acct

    Weird Feelings/Sensations

    To make and energy ball you image your energy and somehow make it into your hands,it takes a few min Try googleing it
  3. ignore_this_acct

    Weird Feelings/Sensations

    Me and my friend make energy balls. You feel the energy in your hand and its just weird. I put my hand in by friends ball and I felt the energy,it was almost like a static feel
  4. ignore_this_acct

    Weird Feelings/Sensations

    last night befor I fell asleep I focused on random crap and got a tingleing sensation in my legs
  5. ignore_this_acct

    Weird Feelings/Sensations

    yea,I also have invisible wings.I also feel like I could run realy fast and jump realy high,its not hyperness I just fell strong(lets all hope I'm not turning into a vampire(watch twilight) like some kid many years ago that I met said so...)at night sometimes when I am half asleeep I like fall...
  6. ignore_this_acct

    Weird Feelings/Sensations

    ^same here,sometimes I have a feeling something big will happen.and nothing does XD
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