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  1. kyeugh

    Website Questions

    sure. you should be able to add a styleswitcher with javascript, which neocities supports. try this guide out and let us know how it goes.
  2. kyeugh

    Website Questions

    i think your best bet for importing fonts is usually to pull them directly from google, rather than downloading them onto your site and serving them that way. the best way to do this is to include this line in your stylesheet: @import...
  3. kyeugh

    Website Questions

    i'm not sot quite sure what you mean, hahaha. could you post your code? 😁
  4. kyeugh

    Website Questions

    i’m not really sure how wix is structured exactly, but i think there’s a pretty good chance that downloading your page isn’t going to be that helpful for you, especially if wix has been giving you issues already. site builders like wix are useful because they come prepackaged with some...
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