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Search results

  1. nastypass

    Ace Attorney Mafia [mafia victoly!]

    Re: Ace Attorney Mafia nyoro~n
  2. nastypass

    Ace Attorney Mafia [mafia victoly!]

    Re: Ace Attorney Mafia [20:44] <MidnightDS> someone tell kratos /he's/ a tickybox :( [20:44] <MidnightDS> and that I can't change poll type [20:45] <MidnightDS> I would if I could! things like private/public or ticky/noticky
  3. nastypass

    Ace Attorney Mafia [mafia victoly!]

    Re: Ace Attorney Mafia - Day 1 I suppose you could! I wouldn't like it very much, but. Abstain, at any rate. EDIT: straight from #tcod (pre-noots yelling at him)- [21:27] <res> Walker: I can technically perfectly truthfully be a roleblocker /and/ mafia by the magic called variable roles...
  4. nastypass

    Ace Attorney Mafia [mafia victoly!]

    Re: Ace Attorney Mafia - Day 1 Right, so at the moment I am suspecting that res is, in fact, alien, inactive, and completely guessed at opal. I have little real evidence for this, aside from his little alternatively x4 and that post above Kratos' there. So, in the interest of eliminating a...
  5. nastypass

    Ace Attorney Mafia [mafia victoly!]

    Re: Ace Attorney Mafia - Day 1 But in this case, why would you alert us to this possibility, knowing it would make us cautious about lynching you? But what if that's what you wanted us to think of, so we'd think it improbable for you to be mafia if you made a well-placed slip later on? Or...
  6. nastypass

    Ace Attorney Mafia [mafia victoly!]

    Re: Ace Attorney Mafia - Day 1 Alternatively alternatively alternatively, he's lover and went for opal.
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