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Search results

  1. nastypass

    [15] Zhorken vs Meursault (ref: pathos)

    YES take THAT confusion rolls!! Amazing game, Zhorken. The Hyper Beam threat kept me on my toes the whole time.
  2. nastypass

    [15] Zhorken vs Meursault (ref: pathos)

    Giga Drain to put us back over the damage cap. Follow that up with a Solar Beam for the KO, but make sure you land that Giga Drain first. If he is still conscious the last action fsr, Seed Bomb. Make three Double Team clones if he protects. Giga Drain/Double Team ~ Giga Drain/Solar Beam/Double...
  3. nastypass

    [15] Zhorken vs Meursault (ref: pathos)

    Just poking in to say that if after corrections Posadas is under the damage cap, I'd like to re-issue commands. :x
  4. nastypass

    [15] Zhorken vs Meursault (ref: pathos)

    You have done me proud, Posadas! You have done me so, so proud with your seeds! But now, the reason I prepared the sun! Open up with a Solar Beam before he can Light Screen or change the weather on us. If they protect, Double Team for 3 clones. After you Solar Beam, Giga Drain for the KO and to...
  5. nastypass

    [15] Zhorken vs Meursault (ref: pathos)

    our hands are also majorly tied, but no matter, we can work within this act! continue the bullet seeding, but do it while spinning in a circle! once Amaura sets up his clones, fire your seeds in a line so they hit as many targets as you can, and stop once you've hit the real thing. If you for...
  6. nastypass

    [15] Zhorken vs Meursault (ref: pathos)

    The protect condition for the second action was Substitute, not chill.
  7. nastypass

    [15] Zhorken vs Meursault (ref: pathos)

    This round reminds me: you need a name, Pumpkaboo! How about Posadas? Yeah, that works great. Okay Posadas, this "marginal speed difference" crap is, well, crap. I don't like it. I want consistency, darnit! So lets make our speed advantage a little more meaningful with a Flame Charge. But if...
  8. nastypass

    [15] Zhorken vs Meursault (ref: pathos)

    Energy Ball, then Double Team - just two clones for now, nothing special. Finally, I want you to wait for Amaura to attack; he should Sandstorm, in which case I want you to change the weather to Sun immediately. If for some reason he uses Hyper Beam instead, Spite that. Energy Ball ~ Double...
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