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  1. octobr


    Unfortunately in lotsa states there were no rules about identity-based discrimination. I mean, excepting that recent antidiscrimination law I think Obama either passed or is trying to pass, nothing was stopping workplaces from discriminating against trans people (also queer people in general)...
  2. octobr


    Yeah, despite what Swift thinks, they aren't so great when you bake 'em.
  3. octobr


  4. octobr


    The point is not the religions connotations of marriage, but the recognition of the relationship and its equality. So I wouldn't go about saying 'I'm against gay marriage' since it gives off the wrong image. Yeah.
  5. octobr


    go generalizations go whoop whoop
  6. octobr


    Does too, you're not gay the first time you screw a person of your same sex. Like skiing, you try it out first. If you do it a few more times and realize how much you like it, you're a skier. Or gay.
  7. octobr


    Dear Zeta Reticuli: You are the most obnoxious shit in this entire thread. Your bible quotes don't mean shit. The bible wasn't interested in making SCIENTIFIC SEPARATIONS -- you look at a bat, it has wings and flies, when you're not thinking hmm does it have every characteristic of birds as...
  8. octobr


    You know what's funny is that a logical way to explain this is that with time, as the immortal population of humans grew too massive for earth to hold, heterosexuality would probably be ruled out in order to stop the babymakin'.
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