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Search results

  1. ole_schooler

    Barubu vs. ole_schooler

    Great match, Barubu. And Metalica, thanks, as well, for reffing all this. It's been a year and 28 days, but it's done! (And I like probability.)
  2. ole_schooler

    Barubu vs. ole_schooler

    I see how it is. Gonna just Facade till we fall asleep, is that it? Well, Tomas, you know what they say: give the people what they want. Shock Wave every action until you get hit. Once the Pidgey manages to break through it's paralysis, take a nap and Rest. If you have a spare action...
  3. ole_schooler

    Barubu vs. ole_schooler

    Looks like that Pidgey just got *puts on sunglasses* Thunder-struck. (Bad puns aside, I did know there was a chance for Tomas to miss with Thunder. It's just his chance to miss now is roughly what a normal miss chance for Thunder would be, and significantly better than if he'd been using...
  4. ole_schooler

    Barubu vs. ole_schooler

    Heh, I was wondering if you forgot. :D And you're right, the odds don't increase for subsequent rounds, but the odds of not rolling within that 2% over twelve rounds are (98/100)^12, which is roughly 78%. To use your die example, the odds of rolling sixes four times in a row is 1/1296, but the...
  5. ole_schooler

    Barubu vs. ole_schooler

    You know, with the length of this match, I'm a bit surprised there have been no eraser attacks. Admittedly, there's only a 22% chance of a single hit within 12 rounds, but it's getting closer and closer to the point where, statistically, somebody's gotta get hit. (Okay, so it only gets to 50%...
  6. ole_schooler

    Barubu vs. ole_schooler

    Second verse, same as the first, a little bit more effective and a little bit worse! (For purposes of XP, would both pokemon get 2, or 1, for the double KO?) Tomas, it's a go for you. Pound out a Charge Beam with a Thunderbolt chaser. If those both hit, sit back and chill; otherwise, go for...
  7. ole_schooler

    Barubu vs. ole_schooler

    I would like a redo, as well. (I mean, there's about a 1% chance Sabriel takes Kaemelotte out with her, but it's still a chance, right?)
  8. ole_schooler

    Barubu vs. ole_schooler

    ...Dammit. This is what I get for using the previous round's energy value instead of this round's. And not looking at the restrictions. I am the foolish. Well, let's avoid as much time warpin as possible and send out Tomas. Shock Wave until he's down. If he's dug or is Protecting, use...
  9. ole_schooler

    Barubu vs. ole_schooler

    Boring finale ahoy! One Venoshock shouldn't kill you (unless there's critical hax) so take a well-deserved Rest, then Sleep Talk twice. If the attacks don't kill him, the poison or energy deprivation will. (I hope...) Rest~Sleep Talk~Sleep Talk
  10. ole_schooler

    Barubu vs. ole_schooler

    (I think Sabriel has no chills left now. And sorry for the boredom I'm no doubt causing!) Alrighty. Boring round time over; it's make or break, pup. Double Team as many clones as you can, then Fire Fang it up. You can doooo eeeeet! Double Team~Fire Fang~Fire Fang
  11. ole_schooler

    Barubu vs. ole_schooler

    That substitute took waaaaaaaaaaaaay too long to take down. At least it's out now, Sab, so you can attack directly! Hokay, so, simple stuff: Chill till he wakes, Yawn till it takes, and Fire Fang for any time remaining. (Relatedly, hooray, a ref!) Chill/Yawn~Chill/Yawn/Fire...
  12. ole_schooler

    Barubu vs. ole_schooler

    Awesome possum. Didn't say this before, but the April Fool round was funny. (Especially since I actually got the reference! Yay MS Paint Adventures!) Anyhow, let's go for simple commands, and hope we can finish the bug off sometime soon. Sabriel, rip that substitute apart with a Fire Fang...
  13. ole_schooler

    Barubu vs. ole_schooler

    Note to self: read the A&A guide more closely... Okay, well, this is a fine state we're in. Assuming the bug stays asleep, use Spite on Sleep Talk, then Fire Fang until/unless he wakes. As soon as he wakes up, use Rest yourself. Chill while you're asleep. Spite/Rest ~ Fire Fang/Rest/Chill ~...
  14. ole_schooler

    Barubu vs. ole_schooler

    Alright, Sabriel! That's the kind of fighting I want to see: tricky with a side of pain. Now that he's asleep, we can take a bit of a breather, though no doubt he'll try to sleep talk or snore you to death. Here's what I want: shoot off a Toxic. Repeat until it sticks, regardless of if he's...
  15. ole_schooler

    Barubu vs. ole_schooler

    More direct attacks, eh? Well, he's still attracted like woah, so we'll use that against him. Start off by soulfully looking into his eyes and Yawning. After that, well, it's time for your violent rampage (you've been looking forward to this, haven't you?), so give him a good Fire Fang before...
  16. ole_schooler

    Barubu vs. ole_schooler

    Yay, a ref! Thanks for that. Ok, Sabriel, you're doing good! Just keep your head in this, all right? Firstly, if that bug decides to create more Double Team clones, I want you to do that Sand Attack trick again. It's okay that you can't hit his eyes; I just want yours to be clear. Now, if...
  17. ole_schooler

    Barubu vs. ole_schooler

    Er, yeah, I talked to the ref, and he said he's working on it, so please no ending with a draw yet.
  18. ole_schooler

    Barubu vs. ole_schooler

    Use Fire Fang twice on the big sleeping lummox; then, after he's awake, spray a Sand Attack everywhere to root out which is the real Heracross and which are just illusions. (If the ref deems that illegal, just use a regular Sand Attack against one of them.) Fire Fang~Fire Fang~Sand Atack
  19. ole_schooler

    Barubu vs. ole_schooler

    I would guess...recess-like? Anyway, that was kind of an eh round, Sabriel, but you are facing a double weakness. Time to play to strengths. Open with a Double Team; between that and the sand in his eyes, the Heracross shouldn't hit you too much. Then, well, bat your eyes, move up close...
  20. ole_schooler

    Barubu vs. ole_schooler

    Hmm. A rather dull stratagy, don't you think, Sabriel? Although with STAB and weakness, it's fairly effective. Let's see if we can't turn it around. Start off with a Torment, to limit some of the hits (and with the hope that the bug won't think to switch to Toxic). Follow with a Sand...
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