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Search results

  1. ole_schooler

    TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 7]

    But lynching inactives is so much easier, as we don't have to figure out if they're lying! :D I agree that it would be more useful to lynch active people, as the Mafia usually posts. However, there have been no more leads, really, unless I'm missing something. Tentative bandwagon-starting for...
  2. ole_schooler

    TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 7]

    I assume you mean 3-2-1. My guess is that that particular killer (heart attacks on those that state their true trope) has used up their hits. Which is good, and I sorta doubt there'd be another exactly like them, as that would be quite imbalancing. Who knows. Anyways, I'm positive the...
  3. ole_schooler

    TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 7]

    Re: TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 6] I'm guessing she doesn't want to because she's Mafia aligned (whether newly or oldly) and helping us may lead to her losing. We think that at least two people have been brainjacked, but my guess is that that a limited-time power, otherwise the Mafia would quickly...
  4. ole_schooler

    TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 7]

    Re: TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 6] All right, all right, Emerald Espeon. I got kinda distracted, sorry.
  5. ole_schooler

    TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 7]

    Re: TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 6] And we should believe you...why? I mean, I'm all for lynching now and confirming later, but (a) if you're telling the truth, you just got a huge target painted on you via Mafia attack, and (b) if you're not, you will have a huge target painted on you via lynching...
  6. ole_schooler

    TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 7]

    Re: TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 5] I'll say more after Vixie is gone.
  7. ole_schooler

    TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 7]

    Re: TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 5] Okay, I think Vixie is full of crap. Sure, she may have a win condition similar to what she says, but half of what she's said is a lie, and, heck, her schtick in every mafia game is to play everyone against each other, regardless of if it's her role or not. I know...
  8. ole_schooler

    TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 7]

    Re: TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 3] Hooray, a lynch. Big Red Cherry Bomb
  9. ole_schooler

    TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 7]

    Re: TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 3] Well, either they're both Mafia or both innocents. At least they've posted. You know who hasn't posted, or even viewed the thread? Big Red Cherry Bomb. Flower Doll and Worst Username Ever have viewed but not posted. Makes me a little suspicious of Karkat Vantas...
  10. ole_schooler

    TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 7]

    Re: TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 3] We already knew there was more than one healer; we'd like to know if they're both still alive. Or is that what you meant?
  11. ole_schooler

    TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 7]

    Re: TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 3] On that note, Vixie, do you have any information for us? Also, we need to figure out a better system for the healers. I think it's fairly obvious that Walker was overdosed, but it's impossible to tell if that was because of a healer healing the wrong person...
  12. ole_schooler

    TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 7]

    Re: TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 3] Hm. This is really weird. Well, I'm also of the opinion that ear-bleeding is not healer clash, as that seems more indicative with the internal bleeding bit. Although I'd like to slap the healer that screwed up...or maybe the mafia-aligned healer decided to double...
  13. ole_schooler

    TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 7]

    Re: TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 2] I leave for a day of turkey and then...well. Might as well lynch joe mama, as no one wants to go for any of the more obvious targets...Oh, I was going to say that the ear-bleeding thing from last night (long, long ago) seemed to me more of a healer-clash (white...
  14. ole_schooler

    TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 7]

    Re: TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 1] Not changing my vote; since superbird admitted to Mafia, he should still go. On a slightly related note, his role might be one like "if lynched, the last person to vote for you dies" (I had a similar role in the past), or a more vanilla revenge-kill role. Either...
  15. ole_schooler

    TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 7]

    Re: TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 1] Wow 5 pages of posts. Okay. Initial, very tired impression: Let's lynch Superbird. Cryptic comments should not save you from the lynching block, and I am a firm believer in lynching every day. Okay, maybe they're an alien, but even if this game is really weird...
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