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Search results

  1. ole_schooler

    Squornshellous Beta vs. Ole_Schooler

    Yeah, that was fun. Much more fun than just a Metronome battle, I think. Thanks for the match, SB, and for the great reffings, Superbird. (The RNG is a fickle mistress...)
  2. ole_schooler

    Squornshellous Beta vs. Ole_Schooler

    Le sigh...Unless several unlikely events occur, Dawg, you ain't going anywhere but my pokeball. Eh, it was fun. :D Go Out~With~a Bang!
  3. ole_schooler

    Squornshellous Beta vs. Ole_Schooler

    USE ALL THE FIRE! Actually, take about 5% damage, then USE ALL THE FIRE! (Blaze + Dusk Stone = more pain for everyone!) Also, very glad to break the food chain trend. Take damage~FIRE~FIRE!
  4. ole_schooler

    Squornshellous Beta vs. Ole_Schooler

    So, Dawg went from dog to cat to mouse...I have a sneaking suspicion we're moving down the food chain. If he's a plant next... Go~Mighty~Mouse!
  5. ole_schooler

    Squornshellous Beta vs. Ole_Schooler

    Hee, Dawg thinks he's a cat. What~Meow~Dawg?
  6. ole_schooler

    Squornshellous Beta vs. Ole_Schooler

    Ah, geez, Dawg, this does not look like happy fun times. Well, at least you got one KO out of this. And, well, limited moveset, but the tutor moves look a bit promising. Ominous~Wind~Plz
  7. ole_schooler

    Squornshellous Beta vs. Ole_Schooler

    *le sigh* That's what I get for thinking this one is in the bag. Well, let's go, Dawg. You should be able to take out your foe with a quick Focus Blast; if he's still up, go for an Earthquake or two. Focus Blast~Earthquake~Earthquake
  8. ole_schooler

    Squornshellous Beta vs. Ole_Schooler

    The probability of getting Smeargle once? One out of six hundred forty-nine. Probability of getting it twice? One out of four hundred twenty-one thousand, two hundred one. I have higher chances of being struck by lightning. At least Ace can see, right? Never~Tell/Me~the Odds
  9. ole_schooler

    Squornshellous Beta vs. Ole_Schooler

    Trololololo. Ho~Ho Ho~Ho Ho!
  10. ole_schooler

    Squornshellous Beta vs. Ole_Schooler

    It's okay; I was more trying to mock the habit of "aha I found a loophole!" that a lot of folks have (myself included) and not trying to insult your mix-up. Doesn't help that the name is gender-neutral and the ref mixed it up as well.
  11. ole_schooler

    Squornshellous Beta vs. Ole_Schooler

    Ooh, I found a loophole in the commanded attacks, Ace: they keep referring to some "he," but you're a girl! This will give you all the advantages ever! (Also, you are now bacon I mean a Bagon so go hit things with your head!) Use~Feminine~Wiles
  12. ole_schooler

    Squornshellous Beta vs. Ole_Schooler

  13. ole_schooler

    Squornshellous Beta vs. Ole_Schooler

    *being vacant* Bzwah? Oh, good job, Ace-face. Put the bird in his place with a...big can of mace? I'm running out of good rhymes, here; kick his butt quick!
  14. ole_schooler

    Squornshellous Beta vs. Ole_Schooler

    Noo, Tomas! So sad. Well, time to send out space case Ace in his place! Alright. Just go with a simple Attract, then Bite the bird. Finish...with a Toxic again. Stupid cake. Attract~Bite~Toxic
  15. ole_schooler

    Squornshellous Beta vs. Ole_Schooler

    I don't even know what a Leavanny is! *goes to look* Ah. Do something leafy, then. And try to kill her before she kills you. (I guess Tomas is confused because he's no longer female. Doohohohoh!)
  16. ole_schooler

    Squornshellous Beta vs. Ole_Schooler

    I dunno, the battle isn't even at the halfway point, there's plenty of time for the RNGods to abandon me. (I mean, I hope they don't, but they easily could.) Doing~Something~Insignificant
  17. ole_schooler

    Squornshellous Beta vs. Ole_Schooler

    Hah, I don't have an eel, that's silly, I'm a theme battler! And yeah, I'm fine with allowing commands upon a Pokemon's release from a Pokeball (as in, you can give Brick commands when you send her back out) as long as she has the normal ability and movepool for an Eelectrik at that time. (I...
  18. ole_schooler

    Squornshellous Beta vs. Ole_Schooler

    Holey cheese. This totally makes up for the Sketch round. I mean...Fissure has such poor odds to begin with, and adding in the accuracy drop...holey cheese. And now Tomas is a legendary! Oh, and Squorn, I think you have the opportunity to give commands, if you want, since Strigiformes is...
  19. ole_schooler

    Squornshellous Beta vs. Ole_Schooler

    Yeah, never give a blind Mon paint. In better news, time for super female powers!...Does that make Tomas trans? Give Commands~Out Of~Order
  20. ole_schooler

    Squornshellous Beta vs. Ole_Schooler

    Wait a minute. I thought this Anomaly changed the movesets and abilities of the battlers, but left their species intact. Not that it matters much; it's Sketch-city next round for me. Curse you, RNG!
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