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  1. opaltiger

    Fuck Palin

    yeah the world is pretty much firmly behind Obama
  2. opaltiger

    Fuck Palin

    Hey, he has every right to live. >:(
  3. opaltiger

    Fuck Palin

    Reminds me of that bit in Stephen Colbert's White House Correspondent audition tape where he tries to get past the curtain behind the podium only to encounter a wall.
  4. opaltiger

    Fuck Palin

    okay this is ridiculous McCain's chances of winning go up by 4% to a stunning 6.3% and I think "SHIT OBAMA IS GOING TO LOSE" I just want these elections over so I can stop worrying :(
  5. opaltiger

    Fuck Palin

    I hate how "socialist" means "communist" in the US. Socialism is working just fine for a bunch of European countries (dare I say better?).
  6. opaltiger

    Fuck Palin

    It's okay, his odds of surviving two years now and another two after his term is over are much higher.
  7. opaltiger

    Fuck Palin

    That's because people don't really see the VP as doing much of, well, anything. Ask them if she's qualified to be president, on the other hand...
  8. opaltiger

    Fuck Palin

    this is the greatest thing ever
  9. opaltiger

    Fuck Palin

    Well, I can hardly let VPLJ hog all the action:
  10. opaltiger

    Fuck Palin

    Heh, my dad would have been sixty-four a day after our elections. Think of it as a good omen.
  11. opaltiger

    Fuck Palin

    is that the one where O'Reilly was like "but science can't answer EVERYTHING therefore it is useless!"? eta: incidentally I hear Palin is not working out quite like McCain expected. can anyone in the US confirm?
  12. opaltiger

    Fuck Palin

    I'm not sure how that cover could be any more awesome.
  13. opaltiger

    Fuck Palin

    I dunno, large-scale offshore wind farms sound like they could work.
  14. opaltiger

    Fuck Palin

    why is he not much better? christ, guys, stop saying "lol they both suck" without backing it up. no abortion, period, regardless of circumstance? religion taught as science? fuck the environment, let's go drill for oil? have you read this thread at all?
  15. opaltiger

    Fuck Palin

    her speech got more viewership than any other in history save Obama's. no telling what the viewers thought, but the media loved it. I am sort of sitting here waiting for everyone to realise how utterly terrible she'd be as VP. sorry, but if you can't tell whether someone is conservative you...
  16. opaltiger

    Fuck Palin

    you don't mind religion being passed off as valid science? also everyone who is saying "I hate both candidates!" how much do you actually know about them and how much is you wanting to be cool end edgy? and if you want McCain elected: fuck you. because "arrogant and pompous" is much worse...
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