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Search results

  1. S

    Most Overrated/Underrated Games Ever

    ^ This. Although I've only played two Klonoa games (Lunatea's Veil and Empire of Dreams), I love them, especially Lunatea's Veil. I'm pretty sure there was a period of time where I basically drew nothing but the King of Sorrow. I love his design sooo much... Also, while I'm here, I'll add...
  2. S

    Most Overrated/Underrated Games Ever

    Alright, I think I've played Sonic Unleashed to put it into one of these categories. it's....Underrated! Now, I will say one thing: This game is not bringing back Sonic to his roots. In fact, the only thing that makes me remember that this is a Sonic game at all is that I happen to be...
  3. S

    Most Overrated/Underrated Games Ever

    All those folks are still playing Melee, as Brawl is too scrub-friendly for their tastes. :\ Your avatar makes this deliciously ironic The only reason you didn't list to why people think it's the best game ever is its plot, which I personally love. I admit, I do fall under the group of people...
  4. S

    Most Overrated/Underrated Games Ever

    Well, I just rented "Sonic Unleashed" for the 360 and I'm having a feeling it'll fit into one of these categories... Holy shit the Day levels are fast. I died tons of times in the first level because I was still adjusting to the crazy speed this game moves at. And the graphics are nothing short...
  5. S

    Most Overrated/Underrated Games Ever

    Believe it or not, I actually agree. There's just something about the Legend of Zelda series that just doesn't do it for me. I've never been able to finish one, and they just seem kind of boring, especially Ocarina of Time. But I do see their appeal and I understand why some people do like them...
  6. S

    Most Overrated/Underrated Games Ever

    So, yeah, you know that thread that's the most overrated/underrated movies ever? Here's the video game equivalent. :D The following is all my opinion. Please don't turn this into a flame war. Keep all arguments short and to the point, please. Overrated: FINAL. FANTASY. SEVEN. Full-stop. First...
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